I want to write a program working in such that when I zoom or pan window A, view in window B also changes accordingly. I have written the following code so far. It is 2 lisp files first.lsp & second.lsp. One is loaded in one of the drawings and the other in the second one.
(defun c:first()(vl-load-com); Access autocad application object.(setq app(vlax-get-acad-object)); Access the documents collection.(setq docs(vlax-get-property app "documents")) ; Access the targed drawings.(setq doc1(vla-item docs 0))(setq doc2(vla-item docs 1)); Set command reactor to monitor pan command.(vlr-command-reactor nil '((:vlr-commandended . checkPan)))); Check if a pan command is performed in the current drawing.(defun checkPan(reactorObj cmdInfo); Get the name of the command ended.(setq cmd(nth 0 cmdInfo))(setq center (getvar "viewctr"))(setq height (getvar "viewsize"))(setq ratio (getvar "screensize"))(setq width (* height (/ (car ratio)(cadr ratio))))(setq wseg (/ width 2.0))(setq hseg (/ height 2.0));find screen corners(Setq ll (list (- (car center) wseg)(- (cadr center) hseg)))(Setq ur (list (+ (car center) wseg)(+ (cadr center) hseg)))(Setq ul (list (- (car center) wseg)(+ (cadr center) hseg)))(Setq lr (list (+ (car center) wseg)(- (cadr center) hseg)))(setq ll(vlax-3d-point ll))(setq ur(vlax-3d-point ur))(vla-activate doc2))*************************************************************************; To zoom/pan second drawing as we zoom/pan first one.(defun c:second()(vl-load-com); Set command reactor to monitor pan command.(vlr-docmanager-reactor nil '((:vlr-documentBecameCurrent . panView)))); Check if a pan command is performed in the current drawing.(defun panView(reactorObj cmdInfo)(vla-zoomwindow (vl-bb-ref 'appRef) (vlax-3d-point(vl-bb-ref 'a)) (vlax-3d-point(vl-bb-ref 'b))) ;(vla-regen (vl-bb-ref 'doc2Ref) acActiveViewPort)(vla-activate (vl-bb-ref 'doc1Ref)))
It is working and changes the view in the second drawing, but the problem is that the vla-activate function is not working in any of the lisp routines and I
have to manually click the title bar of a window to make it activate after which the view automatically changes. Please guide about this issue. Secondly I want
to be able to intercept tranparent zom and pan commands, otherwise I have to manually issue PAN and ZOOM commands for these lisp routines to work.