Hi Scu,
Sorry, I don't know what is the bearing
but after I did run your code there are both distance
equal :
Slope distance = Horizontal distance
Is that right?
Ah.. I think if both points are the same height e.g. both Z = 0 then horizontal = slope as there is no slope. I changed this program from my first simple version cause I used initget 64 to ignore Z values but then I couldn't get the Slope from the picked points.
If this isn't the case and they have different heights then I'm not sure why?!! Let me know if this is the case. Although you might have a better go at figuring it out as I'm still new at Lisp.
oh and Bearing.. Angle or azimuth people call it different things but this program suppose to work in relation to your angle direction (angdir = 0 or 1, = anti-clockwise or clockwise) and angle base in _units/direction setup. So if you set base angle to North it will be the angle from north in either clockwise or anti clockwise direction. I work in the southern hemisphere with North being up and clockwise.. not normal for CAD! I think I notice if using Land Desktop too.. it stuffs up all my programs I don't know why..database maybe?
Also my question is, why when you type angbase at command line (showing 90d on my computer), it is different to the menu.. format/ units/ direction/ angle base North = 270d? Are they different system variables?