(command "DWG")
Enter new value for SPLINESEGS <20>: 20 FACETRESEnter new value for FACETRES <10.0000>: 10 ISOLINESEnter new value for ISOLINES <10>: 20 [b]DWG Unknown command "DWG". Press F1 for help.[/b]
; ; ;North American Stone Drawing Set Up;;;---------------------;LISP Loads;(autoload "autoDPROP" '("autoDPROP"))(autoload "nasc_props" '("nasc_props" "dwg"));ENVIRONMENT(command "base" "0,0,0")(setvar "osmode" 6255)(command "-INSERT" "Z_STD_SETUP" "0,0" "1" "" "0")(command "ERASE" "L" "")(command "-STYLE" "SHEET" "tahoma.TTF" "0" "1" "0" "N" "N")(command "-LAYER" "S" "0-STONE" "")(command "-DIMSTYLE" "R" "16")(command "LTSCALE" "6")(command "PDMODE" "3")(command "PDSIZE" "0")(command "-HATCH" "P" "AR-SAND" "0.25" "0" "")(command "-UNITS" "4" "16" "1" "0" "0" "N")(command "VIEWRES" "Y""20000")(command "SPLINESEGS" "20")(command "FACETRES" "10")(command "ISOLINES" "20")(c:dwg)
使用道具 举报
(load "DWG")DWG
(autoload "nasc_props" '("nasc_props"))
(defun C:DWG ()
(autoload "nasc_props" '("nasc_props" "dwg"))
Job Number:*Cancel*Job Number:Command: *Cancel*Function cancelled
;;; *********************************************** *************************;;; * Library DWGruLispLib Copyright © 2007 DWGru Programmers Group ;;; * ;;; * _dwgru-Dwgprops-get-all-prop ;;; * ;;; * 27/12/2007 Version 0001. Vladimir Azarko (VVA) ;;; *********************************************** *************************(defun _dwgru-dwgprops-get-all-prop (Doc / si ret nc key value) ;;; Returns the file's properties, set the team _dwgprops ;;; Returns an associative list, where the key is: ;; - For properties created by the user (tab OTHER) ;;; Property name ;; - For standard properties (tab PAPER) ;;; Key field ;;; NAME - *TITLE* ;;; AUTHOR - *AUTHOR* ;;; TOPIC - *SUBJECT* ;;; KEY WORDS - *KEYWORDS* ;;; NOTES - *COMMENTS* ;;; Hyperlink Base - *HYPERLINK* ;;;!! Key fields are converted to uppercase ;;; Doc - a pointer to the PDF document, nil - the current ;;; Example ;;; (_dwgru-dwgprops-get-all-prop nil) ;;;(("* AUTHOR * "" VVA ") (" * COMMENTS * "" Memo ") (" * HYPERLINK * "" Base ") ;;;("* KEYWORDS * "" Key ") (" * TITLE * "" named ") (" * SUBJECT * "" R ") (" UNIQKEY "" Key ")) (and(or Doc (setq Doc (vla-get-activeDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) )(setq si (vla-get-SummaryInfo Doc))(setq ret (list (list "*AUTHOR*" (vla-get-author si)) (list "*COMMENTS*" (vla-get-comments si)) (list "*HYPERLINK*" (vla-get-HyperlinkBase si)) (list "*KEYWORDS*" (vla-get-keywords si)) (list "*TITLE*" (vla-get-Title si)) (list "*SUBJECT*" (vla-get-Subject si)) ))(setq nc (vla-numcustominfo si))(while (> nc 0) (vla-GetCustomByIndex si (- nc 1) 'key 'value)(setq ret (append ret (list(list (strcase key) value)))) (setq nc (1- nc)))(vlax-release-object si))ret) ;;; *********************************************** *************************;;; * Library DWGruLispLib Copyright © 2007 DWGru Programmers Group ;;; * ;;; * _dwgru-Dwgprops-get-custom-prop ;;; * ;;; * 27/12/2007 Version 0001. Vladimir Azarko (VVA) ;;; *********************************************** *************************(defun _dwgru-dwgprops-get-custom-prop (key Doc / app counter counter2 counter3 doc dwgprops kv) ;;; Returns the value of the property created by the user (team _dwgprops) ;;; Returns an associative list, where the key is: ;; - For properties created by the user (tab OTHER) ;;; Key - a string property name (tab OTHER) ;; - For standard properties (tab PAPER) ;;; Key field ;;; NAME - *TITLE* ;;; AUTHOR - *AUTHOR* ;;; TOPIC - *SUBJECT* ;;; KEY WORDS - *KEYWORDS* ;;; NOTES - *COMMENTS* ;;; Hyperlink Base - *HYPERLINK* ;;; ;;; Uses the library ;;; _dwgru-Dwgprops-get-all-prop ;;; _dwgru-Assoc (_dwgru-assoc-multi) ;;; Doc - a pointer to the PDF document, nil - the current (cadr (_dwgru-assoc key (_dwgru-dwgprops-get-all-prop Doc))) ) ;;; *********************************************** *************************;;; * Library DWGruLispLib Copyright © 2007 DWGru Programmers Group ;;; * ;;; * _dwgru-Dwgprops-set-custom-prop ;;; * ;;; * 27/12/2007 Version 0001. Vladimir Azarko (VVA) ;;; *********************************************** *************************(defun _dwgru-dwgprops-set-custom-prop (key value Doc / si) ;;, Create in the properties of the figure (team _dwgprops bookmark OTHER) ;;; Property with key and value value ;;; If the property was not, it is created, otherwise the changes ;;; Key - a string property name (tab OTHER) ;;; Value - a string (string) - value of property ;;; Uses the library ;;; _dwgru-Dwgprops-get-custom-prop ;;; Doc - a pointer to the PDF document, nil - the current ;;; Returns - nil ;;; Example ;;; (_dwgru-dwgprops-set-custom-prop "dwgru" "dwgru-dwgprops-set-custom-prop" nil) (or Doc (setq Doc (vla-Get-ActiveDocument (vlax-Get-Acad-Object))) ) (setq si (vla-Get-SummaryInfo Doc)) (if (_dwgru-dwgprops-get-custom-prop key Doc) (vla-SetCustomByKey si key value) (vla-AddCustomInfo si key value) ) )