yes it works, although I will need to polish it up and make it more automated - get rid off annoying alert messages and selection of block for every tab.
However the immediate problem now is when I try it, I get in the command line for every tab:
Reading the input file... Done._.UNDO Current settings: Auto = Off, Control = All, Combine = YesEnter the number of operations to undo or [Auto/Control/BEgin/End/Mark/Back] : _BEGINCommand: _.UNDO Current settings: Auto = Off, Control = All, Combine = YesEnter the number of operations to undo or [Auto/Control/BEgin/End/Mark/Back] : _ENDCommand: Regenerating layout.
I tried turning UNDO off but that does work. Not sure what that's about?
I think its probably the (acet-undo-end) and (acet-undo-begin) express tools functions within bns_attin interfering, with my code. I think I may have to do a 'save as' on ATTIN and edit to suit what I am trying to do. Tomorrow I will look at it again, although the attin code is hard to understand.......
Okay here is what I have now. It works though not tested thoroughly.
If used on title blocks it's important to delete columns that don't need to be changed otherwise all attributes(eg dwg number) on different tabs will end up with the same value.
Additionally the handle value also needs to be deleted from the text file otherwise it does not work. Press 'Escape' to cancel and 'Enter' to skip tab.
Please try to improve it, if you have any ideas -thanks
Okay try this. Attached is a sample dwg and text file.
Its probably better to edit it as a csv file rather than just a text file so that it keeps some of its format.