发表于 2022-7-6 13:09:22
Thank you for your kind words. You are absolutely correct, it does need a fair deal of polishing. I've been very much focused on the functionality and, since I don't have much spare time for this, actually putting it to use. As such, cleaning it up to make it user friendly is an aspect I am sadly lacking, but am aware of. I will try harder. ^.^
The aside first.. you can put the text '("LAYOUTS") in place of the first 'nil', and the last nil (before the 1) is there to provide a last "check" to make sure your settings are correct, you can bypass that by setting that 'nil' to 'T'. It'll look something like this:
(finalblitz '(("CMD" ChAtt)) '("LAYOUTS") nil T 1)
The way the program works is sort of like this: you pass input to it, and if the input is not valid or doesn't exist, it'll bring you into a text-based interface that prompts you for said input. If you wish, you can pass a full set of input to finalblitz and not have a prompt at all! Currently that won't work for a drawing set (only the current drawing), but I'm working on that~
As for your second question regarding saving.. finalblitz is the "big brother" of my previous batch LISP, called blitzprint. As its name implies, blitzprint was initially used for printing layout tabs. After I hit the limits of its functionality, I made finalblitz. However, there were a few carry-overs, namely, blitzprint didn't save the drawing. I didn't see the need to open a drawing, print it, then save it if no changes were made.. so by default, it didn't save. Finalblitz is the same.
However, finalblitz is delightfully more robust, and I included an option to save your drawing after making your changes. You can include that option by simply adding it to the option list, like so:
(finalblitz '(("CMD" ChAtt)("SAVE")) '("LAYOUTS") nil T 1)
Finalblitz will run all options in the option list, so you can do many things at once. You are, however, limited. There is a 255 character limit I believe, when sending things to the command line. So you cannot string too many options together. You can, however, craft your own options or sub-functions, so you can combine many into one. In that regard, it's quite customizable.
A final word, most LISPs I've run into that are to be run via another LISP have difficulties using the actual command of the LISP (that sounds kind of confusing.. imagine trying to use (command "chatt"), it won't work). You can get them to work, however, if you turn the command into a function, like so: (command (c:chatt)). So if your function isn't running each time a drawing is opened, try this:
(finalblitz '(("CMD" (c:ChAtt))("SAVE")) '("LAYOUTS") nil T 1)
I hope this answers all your questions, and thank you again for your kind words. If you need any more help, don't hesitate to ask. ^.^ |