You got it!
Just remember the variables used that are obscure look like this: S:YM, D:SF and are not declared, Because if you declare them their values would be lost upon program completion and they would not remember their last value.
You can also see the transition to another variable that can be declared.
- (cond ((= S:YM 0)(setq SYM "Triangle")) ((= S:YM 1)(setq SYM "Square")) ((= S:YM 2)(setq SYM "Circle")) ) (cond ((= D:SF 0) (setq DSF "1/32" = 1'")) ((= D:SF 1) (setq DSF "1/16" = 1'")) ((= D:SF 2) (setq DSF "3/32" = 1'")) ((= D:SF 3) (setq DSF "1/8" = 1'")) ((= D:SF 4) (setq DSF "3/16" = 1'")) ((= D:SF 5) (setq DSF "1/4" = 1'")) ((= D:SF 6) (setq DSF "3/8" = 1'")) ((= D:SF 7) (setq DSF "1/2" = 1'")) ((= D:SF (setq DSF "3/4" = 1'")) ((= D:SF 9) (setq DSF "1" = 1'")) ((= D:SF 10)(setq DSF "1-1/2" = 1'")) )