(DEFUN GETARCLASTPOINT (_pt1 _pt2 _msg`str / *error* *-ce _msg`str *-pt) (defun *error* (msg) (and *-ce (setvar "cmdecho" *-ce))) (SETQ *-ce (GETVAR "cmdecho")) (SETVAR "cmdecho" 0) (or _msg`str (setq _msg`str "Specify point: ")) (PROMPT (strcat "\n" _msg`str)) (and (VL-CMDF (GETCNAME "_ARC") _pt1 _pt2 pause) (SETQ *-pt (GETVAR "LASTPOINT")) (ENTDEL (ENTLAST))) (*error* nil) *-pt)
使用道具 举报
;; Make3PointsArc (gile);; Entmakes an arc;; Returns the arc ename;;;; Arguments;; p1, p2, p3: points (UCS coordinates)(defun Make3PointsArc (p1 p2 p3 / m1 m2 a1 a2 pi/2 cen Xang norm cen rad) (setq m1 (midPoint p1 p2) m2 (midPoint p2 p3) a1 (angle p1 p2) a2 (angle p2 p3) pi/2 (/ pi 2) norm (trans '(0. 0. 1.) 1 0 T) Xang (angle '(0. 0. 0.) (trans (getvar 'ucsxdir) 0 norm)) cen (inters m1 (polar m1 (+ a1 pi/2) 1.0) m2 (polar m2 (+ a2 pi/2) 1.0) nil) rad (distance cen p1) ) (if (clockwise-p p1 p2 p3) (setq start (angle cen p3) end (angle cen p1) ) (setq start (angle cen p1) end (angle cen p3) ) ) (entmakex (list '(0 . "ARC") (cons 10 (trans cen 1 norm)) (cons 40 rad) (cons 50 (+ Xang start)) (cons 51 (+ Xang end)) (cons 210 norm) ) ));; MidPoint (gile);; Returns the middle point between p1 and p2(defun MidPoint (p1 p2) (mapcar (function (lambda (x1 x2) (/ (+ x1 x2) 2.))) p1 p2));; Clockwise-p (gile);; evaluates if p1, p2, p3 are clockwise(defun clockwise-p (p1 p2 p3) (< (sin (- (angle p1 p3) (angle p1 p2))) -1e-14));; STR2PT (gile);; Converts a string into a point (grread input);;;; Argument: a string;; Return: a 3d point or nil (if incorrect string)(defun str2pt (str) (setq str (mapcar 'read (str2lst str ","))) (if (and (vl-every 'numberp str) (< 1 (length str) 4) ) (trans str 0 0) ));; STR2LST (gile);; Splits a string with separator into a list;;;; Arguments;; str = string;; sep = separator(defun str2lst (str sep / pos) (if (setq pos (vl-string-search sep str)) (cons (substr str 1 pos) (str2lst (substr str (+ (strlen sep) pos 1)) sep) ) (list str) ));; gr-3PointsArc (gile);; grread using to create an arc by 3 points;;;; Arguments;; p1 p2: the 2 first points (UCS coordinates)(defun gr-3PointsArc (p1 p2 / *error* loop gr p3 arc str) (defun *error* (msg) (or (= msg "Function cancelled") (princ (strcat "Error: " msg)) ) (and arc (entdel arc) (setq arc nil)) (princ) ) (setq loop T) (while (and (setq gr (grread T 12 0)) loop) (and arc (entdel arc) (setq arc nil)) (cond ((= 5 (car gr)) (setq p3 (cadr gr)) (setq arc (Make3PointsArc p1 p2 p3)) ) ((= 3 (car gr)) (setq arc (Make3PointsArc p1 p2 p3) loop nil ) ) ((equal gr '(2 13)) (cond ((and str (setq pt (str->pt str))) (setq arc (Make3PointsArc p1 p2 p3)) (setq loop nil) (grtext) )