使用道具 举报
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------;;; STDLIB_CREATEDIMSTYLE.LSP;;;;;; Copyright © December, 2008;;; Timothy G. Spangler;;;;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software;;; for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided;;; that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and;;; that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and;;; restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting;;; documentation.;;;;;; STDLIB_CREATE_DIMSTYLE;;;;;; Description:;;; Called from a menu pulldown or rightclick menu;;; * (STDLIB_CREATE_DIMSTYLE <STYLENAME> <DIMSCALE> <TEXTSTYLE> <CURRENT>);;; <STYLENAME> = STRING = Name of dimstyle to be created;;; <DIMSCALE> = REAL = Dimscale;;; <TEXTSTYLE> = STRING = Valid textstyle name;;; <CURRENT> = BOOLE = If T then it set the created layer current;;;;;; Returns:;;;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------;;; MAIN FUNCTION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;(defun STDLIB_CREATE_DIMSTYLE (StyleName StyleScale TextStyle Current / OldDimBlk OldCmdEcho StyleScale TextStyle);; Check arguments(if (not StyleScale) (setq StyleScale 1.0))(if (not TextStyle) (setq TextStyle (getvar "TEXTSTYLE")));; Create dimstyle(if (not (tblsearch "DIMSTYLE" StyleName)) (progn ;; Set echo (setq OldCmdEcho (getvar "CMDECHO")) (setvar "CMDECHO" 0) ;; Create textstyle ;;; STD LIB Function (STDLIB_CREATE_TEXTSTYLE TextStyle 4.5 "Archquik" nil) ;; Create dimblk (if (not (tblobjname "block" "_Oblique")) (progn (setq OldDimBlk (getvar "dimblk")) (if (= OldDimBlk "") (setq OldDimBlk ".") ) (setvar "dimblk" "_Oblique") (setvar "dimblk" OldDimBlk) ) ) ;; Create dimstyle (entmake (list (cons 0 "DIMSTYLE"); Table (cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord"); Subclass marker (cons 100 "AcDbDimStyleTableRecord"); Subclass marker (cons 2 StyleName); Dimstyle name (cons 70 0); Standard flag (cons 3 ""); DIMPOST (cons 4 ""); DIMAPOST (cons 5 "_Oblique"); DIMBLK (cons 6 "_Oblique"); DIMBLK1 (cons 7 ""); DIMBLK2 (cons 40 StyleScale); DIMSCALE (cons 41 0.0937); DIMASZ (cons 42 0.0937); DIMEXO (cons 43 0.38); DIMDLI (cons 44 0.0625); DIMEXE (cons 45 0.0); DIMRND (cons 46 0.0625); DIMDLE (cons 47 0.0); DIMTP (cons 48 0.0); DIMTM (cons 140 0.0937); DIMTXT (cons 141 0.09); DIMCEN (cons 142 0.0); DIMTSZ (cons 143 25.4); DIMALTF (cons 144 1.0); DIMLFAC (cons 145 0.0); DIMTVP (cons 146 1.0); DIMTFAC (cons 147 0.0625); DIMGAP (cons 71 0); DIMTOL (cons 72 0); DIMLIM (cons 73 0); DIMTIH (cons 74 0); DIMTOH (cons 75 0); DIMSE1 (cons 76 0); DIMSE2 (cons 77 1); DIMTAD (cons 78 3); DIMZIM (cons 170 0); DIMALT (cons 171 2); DIMALTD (cons 172 0); DIMTOFL (cons 173 0); DIMSAH (cons 174 0); DIMTIX (cons 175 0); DIMSOXD (cons 176 0); DIMCLRD (cons 177 0); DIMCLRE (cons 178 2); DIMCRRT (cons 270 4); DIMUNIT (cons 271 4); DIMDEC (cons 272 4); DIMTDEC (cons 273 2); DIMALTU (cons 274 2); DIMALTTD (cons 275 0); DIMAUNIT (cons 276 2); DIM????? (cons 277 4); DIMLUNIT (cons 279 2); DIM???? (cons 280 0); DIMJUST