我在使用两个弹出列表时遇到了一些困难。我可以让它们正常工作,但不正确。我并没有什么都不发布,而是发布了你们在下面看到的带有组合单选按钮和弹出列表的内容。我对这种方法很熟悉,而且很有效。如果你仍然有两个弹出窗口,也许李可以在这里帮助你,因为他很精通这一点。这里显示的方法使用了一个Choose List Items函数,该函数是由ASMI编写的,我从Lee_Mac那里学到的。
BLINS : dialog { label = "Drainage Legend"; : row { : boxed_radio_column { label = "Select a Drainage Pipe:"; : radio_button { label = "Existing Filter Drains"; key = "DP01"; } : radio_button { label = "Existing Filter Drains to be Removed"; key = "DP02"; } : radio_button { label = "Existing Foul Sewer"; key = "DP03"; } : radio_button { label = "Existing Foul Sewer to be Removed"; key = "DP04"; } : radio_button { label = "Existing PVC to be Replaced with Concrete"; key = "DP05"; } : radio_button { label = "Existing Storm Sewer"; key = "DP06"; } : radio_button { label = "Existing Storm Sewer to be Relaid"; key = "DP07"; } : radio_button { label = "Proposed Concrete Class H Piped Culvert"; key = "DP08"; } : radio_button { label = "Proposed Ductile Iron Storm Sewer"; key = "DP09"; } : radio_button { label = "Proposed Filter Drain RCD 500 1 Geotextile"; key = "DP10"; } : radio_button { label = "Proposed Thermoplastic Integrally Socketed Carrier Drain"; key = "DP11"; } } } : row { : boxed_column { label = "Select a Surround Type:"; : popup_list { key = "ST"; label = "Surround Type:"; edit_width = 12; alignment = right; } : spacer { height = 0; } } } : row { : column { ok_cancel; : paragraph { : text_part { label = "Designed by Brian Deasy"; } : text_part { label = "for CCC NNRDO"; } } } } }