As it loads Lee's DINFO LISP the first time, all looks fine. Then, I type OP to get to the options dialog box and load a profile so that all my menus are where I want them to be. As it loads the menu customizations and reloads DINFO, I get an error loading VBA. (flagged red) (Why it loads it twice is also a good question, I'll check on that next.)
Further, the menu bar is not visible at the top of the screen, so i enter MENUBAR in the command window, and AutoCAD reports that it is on (1) so I turn it off, then turn it back on again, and it then shows up.
THIS is why I waited 2 months until I got a short break in workload to attempt to upgrade! So far I have 4 hours or so logged installing then repairing and migrating settings.
Ok, I'm downloading and installing the VBA support module, but why does DINFO appear to load properly the first time through?
I'm thrilled to have found your program, impressed by your coding ability and awed by your willingness to write code for people who often appear to expect you to do it free and fast.
I guess that the switch from VBA to .net is happening sooner that I thought, I guess I'll switch from learing VBA to .net. gumble grumble grumble.
No need to grumble . . . . well, maybe a little. VB.NET has a bit more of a learning curve but the extended functionality makes many task easier than if they were coded in VBA.
Another wierd thing I have discovered - once I load my profile, I can no longer get to help. If I hit F1 after starting 2010, I get the standard help screen. I load my profile, then hit F1 again and get a dialog box "Cannot find help file: acad.chm". Perhaps I need to recreate my profile nativly in 2010.
Ok, I checked the thread that Lee pointed me at, and followed the advice there. acad.chm does not exist on my C drive anywhere, but the help directory is/was full of .chm files (including acad180.chm - which I think is the help file for 2010, not acad181.chm) (no dig intended, just fyi).
Rather than messing about with trying to re-install help files, I tried getting help before loading my 2009 profile. It worked fine, so I reconfigured my workspace from scratch in 2010 and saved a new profile. Help still works. If I load the 2009 profile, I get the error message - but if I then load the 2010 profile, help works again.
I think that there must be something in the 2009 profile that is incompatable with or corrupts the file name or path for 2010's help function. I don't know why it would be changing anything in that area, but that's my story and I'm sticking with it.