- First I add a command line call so that I know that it loaded:
- ;; Set call line upon loading
- (princ "\n Loading Acaddoc.lsp....")
- Then I load my programs and set system vars:
- ;; Set linetype scale for Arch
- (setvar "LTSCALE" 24.0)
- ;; Load all help systems
- (load "C:/Acad ToolBOX/Support/STDLIB_HELP.lsp")
- ;; Load specific function
- (autoload "C:/Acad ToolBOX/Support/ExtendLine.lsp" '("XLE"))
- I then load any other lisps
- ;; Load TGS Lisp
- (load "TGS_Acad.lsp")
- Then I add another command call to close the file
- ;; Set call line upon loading
- (princ "\nAcaddoc.lsp Loaded Successfully....\n\n")
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