使用道具 举报
; Function Plot; by Mark Mercier(defun c:fnplot(/ list1) ; Plot function (setq echo (getvar "cmdecho")) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setq lowerBnd 0.0000000 upperBnd 10.0000000 precisionX 2000 precisionY precisionX results "hi" ) (setq incrementX (/ (- upperBnd lowerBnd) precisionX)) (setq incrementY (/ (- upperBnd lowerBnd) precisionY)) (setq dum1 lowerBnd) (repeat precisionX ; Begin repeat loop (setq x dum1) (setq dum2 lowerBnd) (repeat precisionY ; Begin nested repeat loop (setq y dum2) (sinusoid x) ;(logarithm x) ;(dampedvibration x) ;(polynom x) (wheel) (setq dum2 (+ dum2 incrementY)) ); /nested repeat (setq dum1 (+ dum1 incrementX)) ); /repeat (if list1 (scribblescribble) ) (setvar "cmdecho" echo) (princ) ); /program; -- Cheap error function(defun goodtimes() (princ "Strong Bad, help! I swallowed a bug! The good times are over!")(princ) ); -- Wheel function for spinnyness --(defun wheel ()(if (not wh)(setq wh "-"))(cond((= wh "|") (setq wh "/"))((= wh "/") (setq wh "-"))((= wh "-") (setq wh "\"))((= wh "\") (setq wh "|")))(prompt (strcat "\10" wh))(princ)); Line Sinusoid(defun sinusoid(x /) (setq precisionY 1) (setq y_sinusoid (* 2 (sin x))) (setq list1 (append list1 (list (list x y_sinusoid 0)))) ); Line Polynomial(defun polynom(x /) (setq precisionY 1) (setq consList (list 7 5 4 6 4 2 8 6 5 5 2)) (setq y_polynom 0) (setq dumVar 0) (repeat (- (length consList) 1) (setq y_polynom (+ y_polynom (* (nth dumVar consList) (expt x (- (- (length consList) 1) dumVar))))) (setq dumVar (+ 1 dumVar)) ) (setq y_polynom (+ y_polynom (nth (- (length consList) 1) consList))) (setq list1 (append list1 (list (list x y_polynom 0)))) ); Line Damped Vibration(defun dampedvibration(x /) (setq precisionY 1) (setq time x) ; Set up initial conditions for forced, underdamped response (0 < zeta < 1) (setq mass 1) ; m (setq damping_coeff 0) ; c If 0, undamped (setq spring_const 2) ; k (setq initDis 1) ; x_o (setq initVel 0) ; v_o (setq initFor 10) ; F_o If 0, free response (setq dampRat (/ damping_coeff (* 2 (sqrt (* spring_const mass))))) ; zeta ; * Zeta must be greater than zero but less than one to proceed * ; (if (and (>= dampRat 0) (< dampRat 1)) (progn ; Determine minor variables from initial conditions (setq modinitFor (/ initFor mass)) ; f_o (setq drivFreq 1.1) ; omega (setq natFreq (sqrt (/ spring_const mass))) ; omega_n (setq dampednatFreq (sqrt (- 1 (* natFreq dampRat dampRat)))) ; omega_d ; Determine major variables from minor variables