- [font=Times New Roman](defun c:ccs (/ ff cl n ctx opf rln cnt lynum retv)[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq ff (findfile "c:/ctxt.txt"));_look for text file[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (if ff[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (progn[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (command "undo" "be");_set undo marker[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq cl (getvar "clayer"));_get current layer[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq n 1);_while loop killer[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq ctx '());_empty list[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq opf (open ff "r"));_if file found open it[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (while (= n 1);_loop to read lines of file[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq rln (read-line opf))[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (if rln (setq ctx(cons rln ctx))(setq n nil));_if line not nil write to list else kill loop[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] );_while[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (close opf);_close file[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (if ctx ;_if file has info continue [/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (progn[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq ctx (reverse ctx));_flip list from file[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq cnt 0);_loop counter[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq lynum 1);_layer number added to end of layer name[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (while (< cnt (length ctx));_loop through list[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq x (nth cnt ctx));_coordinates[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq r (nth (1+ cnt) ctx));_redius[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq retv (crly lynum));_call to layer maker[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setvar "clayer" (nth 0 retv));_set layer to new layer[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq lynum (nth 1 retv));_layer # counter[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (command "_circle" x r);_make circle[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq cnt (+ cnt 2));_up loop counter by 2[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq lynum (1+ lynum));_up layer number by 1[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] );_while[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] );_progn [/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] );_if[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setvar "clayer" cl);_reset back to old layer[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (command "undo" "END");_end undo group[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] );_progn if txt[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] );_if txt[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (princ)[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] );_defun[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] [/font]
- [font=Times New Roman](defun crly (aug1 / lp1 tbs retval)[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (command "-purge" "LA" "cir-*" "n");_purge any unused circle layers [/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq lp1 1);_loop killer[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (while (= lp1 1)[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq tbs (tblsearch "layer" (strcat "cir-" (itoa aug1))));_search for layer[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (if tbs ;_if found [/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq aug1 (1+ aug1));_up layer # by 1[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (progn[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq lp1 nil);_kill loop if layer not found[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (setq retval (strcat "cir-" (itoa aug1)));_new layer name[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (command "-layer" "n" retval "");_make new layer[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] );_progn[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] );_if[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] );_while[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman] (list retval aug1);_return layer name and layer number[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman]);_defun[/font]
- [font=Times New Roman][/font]