(defun derr (s) ; If an error (such as CTRL-C) occurs ; while this command is active... (if (/= s "Function cancelled") (princ (strcat "\n*Error: " s)) ) (setvar "cmdecho" echo) (setvar "blipmode" blip) (setvar "luprec" decimal) (setq *error* olderr) ; Restore old *error* handler (close file) (princ));----------------------------------------------------------------------------(defun c:pt() (setq olderr *error* *error* derr) (setq echo (getvar "cmdecho")) (setq blip (getvar "blipmode")) (setq decimal (getvar "luprec")) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setvar "blipmode" 0) (setq pt_file (getstring "\nPoints File Name <points.txt>:")) (if (= pt_file "") (setq file (open "points.txt" "w")) (setq file (open pt_file "w")) ) (setq h-scale (getint "\nHorizontal Scale 1:")) (setq pre_code (getstring "\nPrefix Code:")) (setq start_pn (getint "\nStart Number:")) (setq pn start_pn) (setq hs-factor (/ h-scale 100)) (setq p 0) (setq n 1) (while p (setq p (getpoint "\nSelect Point <Exit>:")) (if p (progn (setq str_pn (itoa pn)) (setq pt_code (strcat pre_code str_pn)) (setq ptxt (list (- (car p) (* 0.5 hs-factor)) (+ (cadr p) (* 0.5 hs-factor)) )) (command "point" p) (command "text" "m" ptxt "0" pt_code) ;Writting Selected point to the file ;----------------------------------- (princ (strcat "\n" pt_code " " (rtos (car p)) " " (rtos (cadr p)) ) file) (setq pn (+ pn 1)) (setq pt_list1 (list (append (list pt_code) p))) (if (= n 1) (setq pt_list pt_list1) (setq pt_list (append pt_list pt_list1)) ) (setq n (+ n 1)) ) ) ) (prompt "\n** Points Coordinates Table **") (setq p_l_up (getpoint "\nSelect Upper Left Cornner :\n")) (setq p_r_up (list (+ (car p_l_up) (* 7.2 hs-factor)) (cadr p_l_up) )) (setq ph1 (list (car P_l_up) (- (cadr p_l_up) (* 1 hs-factor)) )) (setq ph2 (list (car P_r_up) (- (cadr p_r_up) (* 1 hs-factor)) )) (setq ph_txt1 (list (+ (car p_l_up) (* 0.6 hs-factor)) (- (cadr p_l_up) (* 0.5 hs-factor)) )) (setq ph_txt2 (list (+ (car p_l_up) (* 2.7 hs-factor)) (- (cadr p_l_up) (* 0.5 hs-factor)) )) (setq ph_txt3 (list (+ (car p_l_up) (* 5.7 hs-factor)) (- (cadr p_l_up) (* 0.5 hs-factor)) )) (command "line" p_l_up p_r_up "") (command "line" ph1 ph2 "") (command "text" "m" ph_txt1 "0" "Pt.") (command "text" "m" ph_txt2 "0" "X") (command "text" "m" ph_txt3 "0" "Y") (setq len_ptlst (length pt_list)) (setq n_lst 0) (repeat len_ptlst (progn (setq p1 (list (car ph1) (- (cadr ph1) (* 1 (+ n_lst 1) hs-factor)) )) (setq p2 (list (car ph2) (- (cadr ph2) (* 1 (+ n_lst 1) hs-factor)) )) (setq ptxt1 (list (car ph_txt1) (- (cadr ph_txt1)(* 1 (+ n_lst 1) hs-factor)) )) (setq ptxt2 (list (car ph_txt2) (- (cadr ph_txt2)(* 1 (+ n_lst 1) hs-factor)) )) (setq ptxt3 (list (car ph_txt3) (- (cadr ph_txt3)(* 1 (+ n_lst 1) hs-factor)) )) (setq x (rtos (nth 1 (nth n_lst pt_list)))) (setq y (rtos (nth 2 (nth n_lst pt_list)))) (princ (strcat "\rPoint Number " (nth 0 (nth n_lst pt_list)))) (command "text" "m" ptxt1 "0" (nth 0 (nth n_lst pt_list))) (command "text" "m" ptxt2 "0" x) (command "text" "m" ptxt3 "0" y) (command "line" p1 p2 "") ) (setq n_lst (+ n_lst 1)) )