- [b][font=Times New Roman][/font][/b]
- [font=Times New Roman][size=3][b]‘Collects Length, Creates a text of its length at the midpoint of the line at the same rotation as line[/b]
- Private Sub cmdlength_Click()
- On Error Resume Next
- [b]‘Collects Length[/b]
- Dim SOS As AcadSelectionSet
- Dim objSS As AcadSelectionSet
- Dim intCode(0) As Integer
- Dim varData(0) As Variant
- Dim objEnt As AcadEntity
- Dim entLine As AcadLine
- Dim entPoly As AcadPolyline
- Dim entLWPoly As AcadLWPolyline
- Dim lenstring As String
- Dim coordstart As Variant
- Dim basepoint(0 To 2) As Double
- Dim col As New AcadAcCmColor
- Call col.SetRGB(127, 0, 0)
- a = 1
- For Each SOS In ThisDrawing.SelectionSets
- If SOS.Name = "MySS" Then
- ThisDrawing.SelectionSets("MySS").Delete
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- intCode(0) = 0: varData(0) = "LINE,POLYLINE,LWPOLYLINE"
- ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add ("MySS")
- Set objSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets("MySS")
- objSS.SelectOnScreen intCode, varData
- If objSS.Count < 1 Then
- MsgBox "No lines and polylines selected!"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Dim endPoint As Variant
- For Each objEnt In objSS
- Select Case objEnt.ObjectName
- Case "AcDbLine"
- Set entLine = objEnt
- endPoint = entLine.endPoint
- ' MsgBox endPoint
- lenstring = Round(entLine.Length)
- ' MsgBox lenstring
- ' Case "AcDb2dPolyline"
- ' Set entPoly = objEnt
- ' coord = entPoly.Coordinate(0)
- ' lenstring = Round(entPoly.Length)
- ' MsgBox lenstring
- Case "AcDbPolyline"
- Set entLWPoly = objEnt
- ' endPoint = entLine.endPoint
- coordend = entLWPoly.Coordinate(1)
- coordstart = entLWPoly.Coordinate(0)
- x1 = coordstart(0)
- y1 = coordstart(1)
- x2 = coordend(0)
- y2 = coordend(1)
- 'MsgBox x1 & "," & y1
- midpoint = (coordend(0) + coordstart(0)) / 2 & " , " & (coordend(1) + coordstart(1)) / 2
- ' entLWPoly.Rotate midpoint, rotationAngle
- lenstring = Round(entLWPoly.Length)
- x = (coordend(0) + coordstart(0)) / 2
- y = (coordend(1) + coordstart(1)) / 2
- [b]‘Collects rotation angle of line[/b]
- bearing = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
- bearing = Atn(bearing)
- End Select
- Dim textobj As AcadText
- Dim textString As String
- Dim insertionPoint(0 To 2) As Double
- Dim height As Double
- ' Define the text object
- textString = lenstring
- insertionPoint(0) = x: insertionPoint(1) = y + 15: insertionPoint(2) = 0
- height = 22
- ' Create the text object in model space
- Set textobj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(textString & "m", insertionPoint, height)
- textobj.Rotation = bearing
- ' If bearing = 0 Then
- ' textobj.Rotation = 0
- ' End If
- textobj.TrueColor = col
- textobj.StyleName = "ArialBold"
- Next
- [/size][/font]
- (vl-load-com)(defun C:APID()(vl-vbarun
- "Path\\Projectdvb!initialize"))
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