使用道具 举报
(defun c:imgdet (/ im_dict im_ent im_lst wiz_cnt) (vl-load-com) (setq im_dict (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "ACAD_IMAGE_DICT")) (setq wiz_cnt -1) (setq im_lst '()) (while (setq im_ent (nth (setq wiz_cnt (1+ wiz_cnt)) im_dict ) ;_ {nth ) ;_ {setq (if (eq (car im_ent) 3) (setq im_lst (cons (cons (cdr im_ent) (cdr (nth (setq wiz_cnt (+ wiz_cnt 1)) im_dict ) ;_ {nth ) ;_ {cdr ) ;_ {cons im_lst ) ;_ {cons ) ;_ {setq ) ;_ {if ) ;_ end_while (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (if (zerop (cdr (assoc 280 (entget (cdr x))))) (vla-delete (vlax-ename->vla-object (cdr x))) ) ;_ {if ) ;_ {lamda ) ;_ {function im_lst ) ;_ {mapcar (princ)) ;_ {defun
;|***********************---wiz24MAR09---**************************lisproutine for detaching not_found/unreferenced/orphaned/unloadedimages,not yet tested on nested images|;(defun c:imgdet (/ imgpath_lst img_dep img_info img_info340 img_path img_set im_dict im_ent im_ent_1 im_lst im_lst_1 wiz_cnt ) (vl-load-com);;;------------------------------------------------------------ ;;List all images which are present in the drawing in var = im_lst_1 (setq img_set (ssget "_x" '((0 . "IMAGE")))) (setq i (sslength img_set)) (while (not (minusp (setq i (1- i)))) (setq im_ent_1 (ssname img_set i)) (setq img_info (entget im_ent_1)) (setq img_info340 (entget (cdr (assoc 340 img_info)))) (setq img_path (cdr (assoc 1 img_info340))) (if (not (member img_path im_lst_1)) (setq im_lst_1 (cons img_path im_lst_1)) ) ;_ {if ) ;_ {while;;;------------------------------------------------------------ ;;List all images saved in the file_dependencies in var = imgpath_lst (setq imgpath_lst '()) (vlax-for i (setq img_dep (vla-get-FileDependencies (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-Acad-Object) ) ;_ {vla-get-ActiveDocument ) ;_ {vla-get-FileDependencies ) ;_ {vla-get-FileDependencies (if (= (vla-get-Feature i) "Acad:Image") (setq imgpath_lst (cons (vl-catch-all-apply (function (lambda () (vla-get-FullFileName i) ) ;_ {lambda ) ;_ {function ) ;_ {VL-CATCH-ALL-APPLY imgpath_lst ) ;_ {cons ) ;_ {setq ) ;_ {if ) ;_ {vlax-for ;(vlax-release-object img_dep);;;------------------------------------------------------------ ;;List all images saved in the image_dictionary in var im_lst (setq im_dict (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "ACAD_IMAGE_DICT")) (setq wiz_cnt -1) (setq im_lst '()) (while (setq im_ent (nth (setq wiz_cnt (1+ wiz_cnt)) im_dict ) ;_ {nth ) ;_ {setq (if (eq (car im_ent) 3) (setq im_lst ;_Image list to process below (cons (cons (cdr im_ent) (cdr (nth (setq wiz_cnt (+ wiz_cnt 1)) im_dict ) ;_ {nth ) ;_ {cdr ) ;_ {cons im_lst ) ;_ {cons ) ;_ {setq ) ;_ {if ) ;_ end_while;;;------------------------------------------------------------ ;;Begin Process ;;Check if im_lst is present in im_lst_1 and imgpath_lst ;; (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (if (or ;;If im_lst is not member of im_lst_1 ;;then it is orphaned/unreferenced (not (member (cdr (assoc 1 (entget (cdr x)))) im_lst_1)) ;;if im_list is not member of imgpath_lst ;;then it is not found (not (member (cdr (assoc 1 (entget (cdr x)))) imgpath_lst ) ;_ {member ) ;_ {not