I'd like to know if anyone has a way of copying a point or block along a line/pline the way the measure command does; but only one instance of a point or block; and rotating the point/block to follow the curvature of the line/pline in the same way the measure command does.
Sounds like the array command would be ideal for you?
My application is about copying a block along a path e.g a road, railway etc. where the path has many intricate curves and 3D movements. All I want to do is copy a block X amount of distance along the line in plan view, ignoring Z values.
I'm working on something similar at home where I also use C#. Can't give you any feedback until I do return home - no Visual Studio to compile it here at work.
Only being able to place a block from the start of the line means it's not really usable for my needs. Having to hard wire the block is also a fundamental draawback.
Any way we can address these two points? Maybe select an existing block in the drawing to move or choose a block from a file; and then choose a point on the polyline to move it from.