- (defun c:tabord(/ cPl cTb ptLst vlaTab hitPt hitRes
- ptLst Row Column rCnt adNum chT cStr)
- (vl-load-com)
- (defun Extract_DXF_Code(Entity Code / cPl)
- (cdr(assoc Code(setq cPl(entget(car Entity)))))
- ); end of Extract_DXF_Code
- (if
- (and
- (setq cPl(entsel "\nSelect LwPoliline > "))
- (= "LWPOLYLINE"(Extract_DXF_Code cPl 0))
- ); end and
- (if
- (and
- (setq cTb(entsel "\nSelect Table > "))
- (= "ACAD_TABLE"(Extract_DXF_Code cTb 0))
- ); end and
- (if
- (setq cPt(getpoint "\nClick inside first cell > "))
- (progn
- (setq vlaTab(vlax-ename->vla-object(car cTb))
- hitPt (vlax-3D-Point(trans cPt 1 0))
- hitRes(vla-HitTest vlaTab hitPt
- (vlax-3D-Point '(0.0 0.0 1.0)) 'Row 'Column)
- ptLst(mapcar 'cdr
- (vl-remove-if-not
- '(lambda(a)(= 10(car a)))
- (entget(car cPl))))
- ); end setq
- (if(= :vlax-true hitRes)
- (progn
- (setq adNum(-(length ptLst)(-(vla-get-Rows vlaTab)Row))
- chT(vla-getRowHeight vlaTab Row)
- ); end setq
- (if(not(minusp adNum))
- (vla-InsertRows vlaTab Row chT adNum)
- ); end if
- (foreach itm ptLst
- (setq cStr
- (strcat(rtos(car itm)2 2)
- ","
- (rtos(cadr itm)2 2))
- ); end setq
- (vla-SetCellValue vlaTab Row Column cStr)
- (setq Row(1+ Row))
- ); end foreach
- ); end progn
- ); end if
- ); end if
- ); end progn
- ); end if
- ); end if
- (princ)
- ); end of c:tabord