I am designing a road for my final school project and I just received a height map. The problem is, is that the heights are dtext's and I need to create points with the height written in the texts. I would add them manually but there are about 30.000 texts so that's not a realistic option.
So my question is; is there a way to automatically create points at the origin of the dtexts, where the z-value of the points comes from the texts-content and the x and y-value comes from text's geometry?
Some extra info:
- The origins of the texts are 5 units apart in both x and y-directions.
- I'm using AutoCAD 2008.
Eldon's right, at least I think he's right, you'll probably need a lisp to get this done - so I moved your thread to the Lisp-part of the forum in the hopes you'll get faster help here
If it's that much work I'll use the macro I created, I don't want to put someone else through that much trouble. It took me three hours to make the macro and it takes 2 second per text but I'll just have to let it run all night I was just hoping there was some secret command/function I wasn't aware of to speed things up incase I have to do this again in the future.
A LISP for this shouldn't be too hard - one question - does the text items only contain the z-value and no other text? Also, are we talking only DTEXT, or MTEXT also?
Also - I can create a LISP in which the user will select the text manually - (using a selection set). - or, if all the heights are on the same layer, or if they are the only text (or DTEXT) in the drawing, then I can set the LISP to automatically do the selecting for you. -- For this to happen the text needs some "defining" factor, so a filter list can be created. - i.e. on own layer, or the only DTEXT, or have their own colour etc etc.