(setq mp1 (strcase (getstring "\nENTER WIDTH PLATE, or key for options : ")))(terpri)
This is how it is currently set
but as im now just about done debuging it, and this one is buging me, as i want all prompts to be idiot proof. so that i can only select defined letter , or any distance. i only have the knowledge to do either.
this is what i want to happen,(you get the point
"getint" also honors keywords. but your use of it would allow any positive integer t be input, as well as the keywords which you have as certain text which happen to be numbers. If you want to just allow those numbers to be input then i'd say use "getkword" not "getint".
I must admit, I did not realise, GetInt and GetDist and maybe others honoured keywords -
But as Carl rightfully says, in the above example, the list of integers within the initget phrase become keywords, but the use of getint instead of getkword means that every integer is allowed as well as the keywords inside the initget.