我编写了一些代码,可以从图纸集管理器中提取图纸和子集,但输出的信息是无序的。是否有方法按sheetset manager托盘中显示的顺序提取此信息?或者有没有一种方法可以为每个表和子集获取某种索引号?
- Dim ShtNum As String
- Dim oSubset As AcSmSubset
- Dim pSubset As AcSmSubset
- Dim oSheet As AcSmSheet
- Dim oItem As IAcSmPersist
- Dim ShSetAR(1 To 3, 1 To 200) As String
- Dim ShSetARCount As Integer
- '' Synchronize Sheets with Sheet Properties
- Private Sub CopyShsetarray()
- '' Create a Reference to the Sheet Set Manager Object
- Dim oSheetSetMgr As AcSmSheetSetMgr
- Set oSheetSetMgr = New AcSmSheetSetMgr
- '' Get the current Sheet Set
- Dim oSheetDb As AcSmDatabase
- Set oSheetDb = oSheetSetMgr.GetDatabaseEnumerator().Next
- '' Get the objects in the Sheet Set
- Dim oEnum As IAcSmEnumPersist
- Set oEnum = oSheetDb.GetEnumerator
- '' Get the first object in the Enumerator
- MsgBox oSheetDb.GetFileName
- Set oItem = oEnum.Next
- '' Step through all the objects in the Sheet Set
- MsgBox oItem.GetTypeName
- Do While Not oItem Is Nothing
- '' Add Item to Array
- On Error Resume Next
- If oItem.GetTypeName = "AcSmSheet" Or oItem.GetTypeName = "AcSmSubset" Then
- ShSetARCount = 1 + ShSetARCount
- Set pSubset = oItem.GetOwner()
- ShSetAR(2, (ShSetARCount)) = pSubset.GetName
- ShSetAR(3, (ShSetARCount)) = oItem.GetTypeName
- If oItem.GetTypeName = "AcSmSheet" Then
- Set oSheet = oItem
- ShSetAR(1, (ShSetARCount)) = ShtNumFromPath(oSheet.GetLayout.GetFileName)
- Else
- Set oSubset = oItem
- ShSetAR(1, (ShSetARCount)) = oSubset.GetName
- End If
- 'MsgBox ShSetARCount & "___" & ShSetAR(1, (ShSetARCount)) & "___" & ShSetAR(2, (ShSetARCount)) & "___" & ShSetAR(3, (ShSetARCount))
- End If
- '' Get the next Sheet
- Set oItem = oEnum.Next
- Loop
- Next
- End Sub