- Public Function BindXrefs()
- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 'Binds Xrefs to drawing without prefix
- 'Delete Xref from drawing and then insert file and explode it
- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Dim acBlkRef As AcadBlockReference
- Dim sXref As String
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- On Error GoTo ErrHandler
- sXref = GetXrefPath
- If sXref <> "" Then
- sXref = dhTrimLeft(sXref, "", True, -1) 'Remove path info
- sXref = dhTrimRight(sXref, ".") 'Remove .dwg extension
- ThisDrawing.SendCommand "-XREF" & vbCr & "D" & vbCr & sXref & vbCr
- ThisDrawing.PurgeAll
- sXref = sXref & ".dwg"
- acBlkRef = InsertBlkRef(sXref)
- Set acBlkRef = Nothing
- End If
- ExitHere:
- Exit Function
- ErrHandler:
- Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.description, "Function 'BindXrefs' Failed"
- End Function
- Private Function GetXrefPath() As String
- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '
- 'Returns: XREF drawing path i.e. "1000-01_01.dwg"
- 'Caveats: Assuming no nested xrefs and only one per drawing
- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Dim acXref As AcadExternalReference
- Dim acSS As AcadSelectionSet
- Dim acBlks As AcadBlocks
- Dim acBlk As AcadBlock
- Dim acEnt As AcadEntity
- Dim sPath As String
- Dim sEntType As String
- '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
- On Error GoTo ErrHandler
- sEntType = "INSERT"
- Set acSS = GetEntitySS(sEntType)
- Set acBlks = ThisDrawing.Blocks
- For Each acEnt In acSS
- Set acBlk = acBlks(acEnt.Name)
- If acBlk.IsXRef Then
- Set acXref = acEnt
- sPath = acXref.Path
- Exit For
- End If
- Next acEnt
- GetXrefPath = sPath
- ExitHere:
- Exit Function
- ErrHandler:
- Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.description, "Function 'GetXrefPath' Failed"
- End Function