]((defun c:xr2 () <p>(setq dfil (getfiled "Välj Xref:" "" "" 2))</p><p>(command ".layer" "m" "XREF" "c" "7" "" "")</p><p>(command "open" dfil)</p><p>(command "ucs" "w")</p><p> (command ".xref" "o" dfil "0,0" "1" "1" "0" "")</p><p> (command "ucs" "p")</p><p>(princ)</p><p>)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>What I want here is to choose an xref and then the lisp puts an existing drawing to ucs=world then efter insert to ucs=previous</p><p> </p><p>is that okej? it works for me... maybe can be done differently</p><p> </p><p>Can I specify so the chosen path is remembered next time?</p><p> </p><p>Thanx</p>