- Sub Main()
- Dim retMenu As AcadPopupMenu
- Dim retMenuItem As AcadPopupMenuItem
- Const MainMenuName As String = "My&Menu" ' add an Ampersand in front of letter to make it a Hotkey
- Const SubMenuName As String = "My&SubMenu"
- ' either add new, or return existing main menu Item
- Set retMenu = AddMainMenu(MainMenuName) '' add (or GET) main menu item
- ' add some sub menu item to our main menu
- For I% = 1 To 4
- Set retMenuItem = AddMainMenuItem(retMenu, SubMenuName & Str$(I%), "TestSub")
- Next '
- End Sub
- Private Function AddMainMenu(strMenuName As String) As AcadPopupMenu
- ' adds a main menu to acad menus, or returns an existing menu with the same name
- Dim currMenuGroup As AcadMenuGroup
- Set currMenuGroup = ThisDrawing.Application.MenuGroups.Item("ACAD")
- For I = 0 To currMenuGroup.Menus.Count - 1
- If currMenuGroup.Menus(I).Name = strMenuName Then
- Set AddMainMenu = currMenuGroup.Menus(I)
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next
- ' if we're still here, we didnt find the menu, so we'll add one
- Set AddMainMenu = currMenuGroup.Menus.Add(strMenuName)
- ' Display the menu on the menu bar
- AddMainMenu.InsertInMenuBar (ThisDrawing.Application.MenuBar.Count + 1)
- End Function
- Private Function AddMainMenuItem(objMenu As AcadPopupMenu, strMenuItem As String, strMacroName As String) As AcadPopupMenuItem
- ' adds a sub menu item to the passed menu object
- ' the "strMenuIte" param is the name of ther menu, per VB xconvention, embed an ampersand "&"
- ' before the letter you want to be a hotkey
- ' The "strMacroName" is the name of the Subroutine you want called when the menu is selected
- Dim openMacro As String
- openMacro = "-VBARUN " & strMacroName & " " ' add a space to enmnu item to emulate the ENTER key]'
- Set AddMainMenuItem = objMenu.AddMenuItem(objMenu.Count + 1, strMenuItem, openMacro)
- End Function
- Sub TestSub()
- ' name of routine to call when menu item is selected
- MsgBox "your menu was just selected"
- End Sub