In AutoCAD 2004 I use the following code to change my
dimstyle variables by picking the dimension.
In AutoCAD 2009 the following code does not do this.
I think is changes dim style overrides? What ever that
I would like to simply change my dim variables in current
dim style. How can the following code be modified to do
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim objDimension As AcadDimension
Dim varPickedPoint As Variant
Dim objDimStyle As AcadDimStyle
Dim strDimStyles As String
Dim strChosenDimStyle As String
Dim stg As String
On Error Resume Next
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity objDimension, varPickedPoint, _
"Picked a dimension whose style you wish to set"
If objDimension Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "You failed to pick a dimension object"
Exit Sub
End If
stg = "Textheight"
If your looking for a variable to make a style annotative, that is the one thing I have not been able to do. What do you mean by dimstyle var? That seems to open the dim manager