I decided that I wanted to understand how to use 'If Then Else' statements, so my first task was to scan the drawing for circles and then have a statement on the command prompt that lets me know whether there are or arent.
Above, in the code, you can see I have made a selection set that selects all the objects in a drawing. I then want to ask if there are any circles present in that selection set and then insert two lines of code which will be the answer to my question.
I Understand what the 'MsgBox' represents but I don't fully understand what the quote marks represent. Obviously the ones at either end are essential, but the ones in-between the text I am unsure exactly how they work in VBA along with the '&' aswell.
I can try and explain. A message box feeds a string to the screen via a dialog box. What is shown is a concatenation (joining) of a string. It shows a string, denoted by "There is " and then it is joining (&) it to a string value (actually a integer that VB converts to a string) sset1Obj.Count and then joining (&) another string to that " circles." WHat you end up with is a message box that shows "There is 2 circles" when the selection set has two items in it.