Thanks for the input. I tried the first two and couldn't seem to get anything to happen iwith them. i've been using a pice of code to this effect to get the points
- (setq Ent_group (entget(car(entsel))))(foreach a Ent_group (if (= 10 (car a)) (setq verlist(append verlist(list(cdr a)))))
The main problem i am having is a can't create a fence selection from the points for example i thought this might have worked, it didn't
- ("command"move""f"verlist"")
As for the last part i was hoping you could elaborae on how it worked a bit, most of my lisp knowledge is based on excessive lengths of time using trial and error and i don't have a clue how i would implement such code. the the selection set i would be using for each layer would roughly be.
- (Setq break_check_10 (ssget "x" '( (-4 . "") ) ) )