- Private Sub AcadDocument_BeginSave(ByVal FileName As String)
- Dim block As AcadBlock
- Dim ent As AcadEntity
- Dim DimEnt As AcadDimension
- Dim override As String
- Dim LayerX As AcadLayer
- For Each block In ThisDrawing.Blocks 'Loop through blocks for layouts..
- If block.IsLayout Then 'Is the block a layout..
- For Each ent In block 'Loop through objects in the layout..
- If ent.ObjectName Like "AcDb*Dimension" Then
- Set DimEnt = ent
- [color=red]Set LayerX = DimEnt.Layer[/color]
- [color=red]If LayerX.Lock = False Then 'If layer is not locked..[/color]
- override = UCase$(DimEnt.TextOverride)
- If override = "" Then
- ' Not overridden, so normal dimtext colour should be "ByLayer"..
- DimEnt.TextColor = acByLayer
- ElseIf override Like "<>?*" Or override Like "?*<>" Or override Like "?*<>?*" Or override Like "?*\P<>?*" Or override Like "?*<>\P?*" Then
- ' Overridden but dynamic <>, so dimtext colour should be "ByLayer"..
- DimEnt.TextColor = acByLayer
- ElseIf IsNumeric(override) Then
- ' Overridden and NOT dynamic (dim value as text), so dimtext colour should be "Green"..
- DimEnt.TextColor = 80
- ElseIf IsLike(override, "# [A-Z]*,## [A-Z]*,### [A-Z]*,#### [A-Z]*") Then
- ' Overridden with text and numerical, so dimtext colour should be "Green"..
- DimEnt.TextColor = 80
- Else
- ' We failed to trap the override's characteristics so this is "Green"..
- DimEnt.TextColor = 80
- End If 'End if for TextOverride checking..
- End If
- [color=red]Else 'If layer is locked..[/color]
- [color=red] MsgBox "One or more dimensions are on locked layers. These will be ignored..", vbInformation, ThisDrawing.Name[/color]
- [color=red] End If 'Is Layer locked?[/color]
- Next ent 'End ent FOR loop..
- End If 'If block is Layout..
- Next block 'End main FOR loop..
- End Sub
有没有关于如何检查锁定层的想法?我只想忽略这一层上的任何东西真的。。 |