- Option Explicit
- Sub AddIbeamToDwg()
- On Error Resume Next
- 'Connect to AutoCad application
- Dim acadApp As AcadApplication
- Set acadApp = GetObject(, "AutoCad.Application")
- If Err <> 0 Then
- Err.Clear
- MsgBox "Open the AutoCad application first and then execute!"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- 'Connect to AutoCad drawing document
- Dim acadDoc As AcadDocument
- Set acadDoc = acadApp.ActiveDocument
- 'Call excel to get data
- Dim excel As Object
- Set excel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
- Dim excelSheet As Object
- Set excelSheet = excel.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name)
- 'Setup i-beam variables
- Dim ibStr As String
- Dim insertionPoint(0 To 2) As Double
- Dim height As Double
- Dim ibDepth As Double
- Dim ibWidth As Double
- Dim ibtw As Double
- Dim ibtf As Double
- Dim ibSc As Double
- Dim dblPi As Double
- dblPi = WorksheetFunction.Pi()
- Dim rw As Integer
- rw = ActiveCell.Row
- 'Check if row & 1st cell empty then stop
- If ActiveCell.Value = 0 Or excelSheet.Cells(rw, 1) = 0 Then
- MsgBox "No I-Beam data selected, please select row that contains data!"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If excelSheet.Cells(rw, 1) Then
- ibStr = excelSheet.Cells(rw, 2)
- ibDepth = excelSheet.Cells(rw, 3)
- ibWidth = excelSheet.Cells(rw, 4)
- ibtw = excelSheet.Cells(rw, 5)
- ibtf = excelSheet.Cells(rw, 6)
- ibSc = excelSheet.Cells(rw, 7)
- End If
- Dim ibeamName As AcadText
- Dim plineObj As AcadLWPolyline
- Dim plineObj1 As AcadLWPolyline
- Dim ibRad As Double
- Dim ibRad1 As Double
- ibRad = 0
- Dim points(0 To 37) As Double
- 'Create a temporary lwPolyline for calculating the area
- '4 corner area ratio = 3.65979236632549
- points(0) = 0: points(1) = ibDepth
- points(2) = (ibWidth / 2): points(3) = ibDepth
- points(4) = (ibWidth / 2): points(5) = (ibDepth - ibtf)
- points(6) = (ibtw / 2 + ibRad): points(7) = (ibDepth - ibtf)
- points(8) = (ibtw / 2): points(9) = (ibDepth - (ibtf + ibRad))
- points(10) = (ibtw / 2): points(11) = (ibtf + ibRad)
- points(12) = (ibtw / 2 + ibRad): points(13) = ibtf
- points(14) = (ibWidth / 2): points(15) = ibtf
- points(16) = (ibWidth / 2): points(17) = 0
- points(18) = 0: points(19) = 0
- points(20) = (ibWidth / 2) * (-1): points(21) = 0
- points(22) = (ibWidth / 2) * (-1): points(23) = ibtf
- points(24) = (ibtw / 2 + ibRad) * (-1): points(25) = ibtf
- points(26) = (ibtw / 2) * (-1): points(27) = (ibtf + ibRad)
- points(28) = (ibtw / 2) * (-1): points(29) = (ibDepth - (ibtf + ibRad))
- points(30) = ((ibtw / 2) + ibRad) * (-1): points(31) = (ibDepth - ibtf)
- points(32) = (ibWidth / 2) * (-1): points(33) = (ibDepth - ibtf)
- points(34) = (ibWidth / 2) * (-1): points(35) = ibDepth
- points(36) = 0: points(37) = ibDepth
- Set plineObj = acadDoc.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(points)
- plineObj.Closed = True
- 'ibArea = plineObj.Area
- ibRad1 = VBA.Sqr(((ibSc - plineObj.Area) * 3.65979236632549) / dblPi)
- plineObj.Delete
- Dim vertices(0 To 37) As Double
- 'I-beam drawn after calculate radius base on lwPolyline above
- vertices(0) = 0: vertices(1) = ibDepth
- vertices(2) = (ibWidth / 2): vertices(3) = ibDepth
- vertices(4) = (ibWidth / 2): vertices(5) = (ibDepth - ibtf)
- vertices(6) = (ibtw / 2 + ibRad1): vertices(7) = (ibDepth - ibtf)
- vertices(8) = (ibtw / 2): vertices(9) = (ibDepth - (ibtf + ibRad1))
- vertices(10) = (ibtw / 2): vertices(11) = (ibtf + ibRad1)
- vertices(12) = (ibtw / 2 + ibRad1): vertices(13) = ibtf
- vertices(14) = (ibWidth / 2): vertices(15) = ibtf
- vertices(16) = (ibWidth / 2): vertices(17) = 0
- vertices(18) = 0: vertices(19) = 0
- vertices(20) = (ibWidth / 2) * (-1): vertices(21) = 0
- vertices(22) = (ibWidth / 2) * (-1): vertices(23) = ibtf
- vertices(24) = (ibtw / 2 + ibRad1) * (-1): vertices(25) = ibtf
- vertices(26) = (ibtw / 2) * (-1): vertices(27) = (ibtf + ibRad1)
- vertices(28) = (ibtw / 2) * (-1): vertices(29) = (ibDepth - (ibtf + ibRad1))
- vertices(30) = ((ibtw / 2) + ibRad1) * (-1): vertices(31) = (ibDepth - ibtf)
- vertices(32) = (ibWidth / 2) * (-1): vertices(33) = (ibDepth - ibtf)
- vertices(34) = (ibWidth / 2) * (-1): vertices(35) = ibDepth
- vertices(36) = 0: vertices(37) = ibDepth