- Public Sub StepThroughTheSheetSetManager()
- Dim oEnumDb As IAcSmEnumDatabase
- Dim oItem As IAcSmPersist
- '' Create a Reference to the Sheet Set Manager Object
- Dim oSheetSetMgr As AcSmSheetSetMgr
- 'AcSmSheetSetMgr
- [color="red"]Set oSheetSetMgr = New AcSmSheetSetMgr[/color]
- '''
- Dim oSheetDb As AcSmDatabase
- Set oSheetDb = oSheetSetMgr.GetDatabaseEnumerator().Next
- '' Get Loaded Databases
- Set oEnumDb = oSheetSetMgr.GetDatabaseEnumerator
- '' Get First Open Database
- Set oItem = oEnumDb.Next
- '' Step through the Databases
- Do While Not oItem Is Nothing
- '' Display Sheet Set File Name
- MsgBox oItem.GetDatabase.GetFileName
- '' Get Next Open Database
- Set oItem = oEnumDb.Next
- Loop
- End Sub
3.红线处的错误429“错误429 ActiveX组件无法创建”
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