- Public Sub ColorToEntity()
- 'This subroutine sets each entities color from ByLayer
- 'to the color of the layer it's on.
- Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet
- Set sset = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SS1")
- ' Prompt the user to select objects
- ' and add them to the selection set.
- sset.SelectOnScreen
- ' Step through the selected objects and change
- ' each object's color to Green
- Dim objEntity As AcadEntity
- Dim objMS As AcadModelSpace
- Dim objPS As AcadPaperSpace
- Dim objLayers As AcadLayers
- Dim objLayer As AcadLayer
- Dim strLayer As String
- Set objMS = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
- Set objPS = ThisDrawing.PaperSpace
- Set objLayers = ThisDrawing.Layers
- 'process ents in modelspace
- For Each objEntity In objMS
- strLayer = objEntity.Layer
- Set objLayer = objLayers.Item(strLayer)
- objEntity.color = objLayer.color
- Next objEntity
- 'process ents in paperspace
- For Each objEntity In objPS
- strLayer = objEntity.Layer
- Set objLayer = objLayers.Item(strLayer)
- objEntity.color = objLayer.color
- Next objEntity
- ' Remove the selection set at the end
- sset.Delete
- End Sub