- Sub Block_Attributes_to_Text()
- Dim obj As AcadBlockReference
- Dim oText As AcadText
- Dim inspt As Variant
- Dim AttList As Variant
- Dim metin As String
- Dim poz As String
- Dim adet As String
- Dim cap As String
- Dim ara As String
- Dim boy As String
- Dim MidPoint(0 To 2)
- Dim NewColorObject As AcadAcCmColor
- Dim acı As Double
- ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity obj, inspt, "Select Block:"
- If obj.ObjectName = "AcDbBlockReference" Then
- If obj.HasAttributes Then
- AttList = obj.GetAttributes
- For i = LBound(AttList) To UBound(AttList)
- Select Case AttList(i).TagString
- Case Is = "POZ1"
- poz = AttList(i).TextString
- Case Is = "DAD"
- adet = AttList(i).TextString
- Case Is = "CAP"
- cap = AttList(i).TextString
- Case Is = "ARA"
- ara = AttList(i).TextString
- Case Is = "BOY1"
- boy = AttList(i).TextString
- End Select
- Next i
- End If
- Else
- MsgBox "You did not select a block."
- End If
- metin = poz & "+" & adet & "»" & cap & "/" & ara & " L=" & boy
- MidPoint(0) = obj.InsertionPoint(0)
- MidPoint(1) = obj.InsertionPoint(1)
- MidPoint(2) = 0
- [b][color=red]Set oText = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(metin, MidPoint, 5)[/color][/b]
- Set NewColorObject = obj.TrueColor
- NewColorObject.ColorMethod = acColorMethodByACI
- NewColorObject.ColorIndex = 2
- oText.TrueColor = NewColorObject
- acı = obj.Rotation
- oText.Rotate MidPoint, acı
- oText.Update
- acı = Empty
- Set NewColorObject = Nothing
- Erase MidPoint
- boy = vbNullString
- ara = vbNullString
- cap = vbNullString
- adet = vbNullString
- poz = vbNullString
- metin = vbNullString
- AttList = Empty
- inspt = Empty
- oText = Nothing
- obj = Nothing
- End Sub