- Option Explicit
- Sub AutoMirror()
- Dim x1 As AcadBlockReference
- Dim x2 As AcadBlockReference
- Dim inspt As Variant
- ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity x1, inspt, "Select item to mirror:"
- Set x2 = MirrorFix(x1)
- End Sub
- Public Function MirrorFix(entMirror As AcadBlockReference) As AcadBlockReference
- Dim pt1(2) As Double
- Dim pt2(2) As Double
- Dim inspt As Variant
- Dim bb1 As Variant
- Dim bb2 As Variant
- Dim AttList As Variant
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim nHeight As Integer
- Dim attr(3) As String
- Dim entNew As AcadBlockReference
- If entMirror.XScaleFactor <> Abs(entMirror.XScaleFactor) Then
- 'save attribute info to variables and then delete from block
- ' or the bounding box will be wrong
- AttList = entMirror.GetAttributes
- attr(0) = AttList(0).TextString
- attr(1) = AttList(1).TextString
- attr(2) = AttList(2).TextString
- attr(3) = AttList(3).TextString
- AttList(0).TextString = ""
- AttList(1).TextString = ""
- AttList(2).TextString = ""
- AttList(3).TextString = ""
- ' mirror the block
- ' doesnt mirror the attributes for some reason
- entMirror.GetBoundingBox bb1, bb2
- pt1(0) = bb1(0) + ((bb2(0) - bb1(0)) / 2)
- pt1(1) = bb1(1) + ((bb2(1) - bb1(1)) / 2)
- pt2(0) = pt1(0) + (10 * Cos(entMirror.Rotation)) ' new X
- pt2(1) = pt1(1) + (10 * Sin(entMirror.Rotation)) ' new Y
- Set entNew = entMirror.Mirror(pt1, pt2)
- entMirror.Delete
- ' add attribute info back to block
- AttList = entNew.GetAttributes
- AttList(0).TextString = attr(0)
- AttList(1).TextString = attr(1)
- AttList(2).TextString = attr(2)
- AttList(3).TextString = attr(3)
- Else
- Set entNew = entMirror
- End If
- Set MirrorFix = entNew
- End Function
镜子测试。图纸 |