- Sub ListProps()
- Dim ssPolys As AcadSelectionSet
- Dim ssName As String
- Dim intCodes() As Integer
- Dim varValues As Variant
- Dim objEnt As AcadEntity
- Dim objLWPoly As AcadLWPolyline
- Dim objPoly As AcadPolyline
- Dim strName As String
- Dim strLayer As String
- Dim strHandle As String
- Dim strClosed As String
- Dim dblWidth As Double
- Dim dblArea As Double
- Dim dblPerim As Double
- Dim dblCoords() As Double
- On Error Resume Next
- ssName = "ssPolys"
- ' try to set the selection set
- Set ssPolys = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets(ssName)
- ' if it does not exist an error will occur - so add it
- If Err Then
- Set ssPolys = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add(ssName)
- End If
- ' clear all data from selection set
- ssPolys.Clear
- ' set the filter
- ReDim intCodes(5): ReDim varValues(5)
- intCodes(0) = -4: varValues(0) = "<and"
- intCodes(1) = -4: varValues(1) = "<or"
- intCodes(2) = 0: varValues(2) = "PolyLine"
- intCodes(3) = 0: varValues(3) = "LwPolyLine"
- intCodes(4) = -4: varValues(4) = "or>"
- intCodes(5) = -4: varValues(5) = "and>"
- ssPolys.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , intCodes, varValues
- ' now make your connection to Excel
- ' now you have all the polylines in a selection set iterate it to get the properties
- For Each objEnt In ssPolys
- strClosed = "Open"
- If objEnt.ObjectName = "AcDbPolyline" Then
- strName = "Polyline2D" 'objLWPoly.ObjectName
- Else
- strName = "LWPolyline" 'objPoly.ObjectName
- End If
- ' extract the properties
- strName = objEnt.ObjectName
- strLayer = objEnt.Layer
- strHandle = objEnt.Handle
- If objEnt.Closed = True Then strClosed = "Closed"
- dblWidth = objEnt.ConstantWidth
- dblArea = objEnt.Area
- dblPerim = objEnt.Length
- dblCoords = objEnt.Coordinates
- ' send the above properties to Excel
- ' iterate through the coords array and send the coordinates to Excel
- Next objEnt
- ' close your connection to Excel
- End Sub