- Sub PerimeterLine()
- 'To create Regions with the objects
- Dim DifRegs() As AcadObject
- Dim ObjtoConv As AcadEntity
- Dim ActRegion As Variant
- Dim FstRegs As AcadSelectionSet
- Dim FstRegCount As Integer
- Dim FstRegT(1) As Integer
- Dim FstRegV(1) As Variant
- FstRegT(0) = 8: FstRegV(0) = "0"
- FstRegT(1) = 0: FstRegV(1) = "Region"
- ' to combine all regions
- On Error Resume Next
- ThisDrawing.SelectionSets("FstRegs_0").Delete
- On Error GoTo 0
- Set FstRegs = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("FstRegs_0")
- FstRegs.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , FstRegT, FstRegV
- FstRegCount = FstRegs.Count
- ReDim DifRegs(FstRegCount - 1)
- Dim Thefirst As AcadRegion
- Dim Thesecond As AcadRegion
- For FstObjL = 0 To FstRegCount - 1
- Set DifRegs(FstObjL) = FstRegs.Item(FstObjL)
- If FstObjL <> 0 Then
- Set Thefirst = DifRegs(0)
- Set Thesecond = DifRegs(FstObjL)
- Thefirst.Boolean acUnion, Thesecond
- End If
- Next FstObjL
- Thefirst.Update
- ThisDrawing.Regen acAllViewports
- 'explode region in to lines
- Dim ExplodedRegion As Variant
- Dim ExplRegCount As Integer
- ExplodedRegion = Thefirst.Explode
- ExplRegCount = UBound(ExplodedRegion)
- 'retrieve coords to make perimeter line
- Dim ExRegL As Integer
- Dim ExRegNumCoords As Integer
- ExRegNumCoords = ((ExplRegCount + 1) * 2) + 1
- Dim ExRegCoords() As Double
- Dim RegLine As AcadLine
- ReDim ExRegCoords(ExRegNumCoords)
- For ExRegL = 0 To ExplRegCount
- Set RegLine = ExplodedRegion(ExRegL)
- ExRegCoords(ExRegL * 2) = RegLine.StartPoint(0)
- ExRegCoords(ExRegL * 2 + 1) = RegLine.StartPoint(1)
- If ExRegL = ExplRegCount Then
- ExRegCoords(ExRegL * 2 + 2) = RegLine.EndPoint(0)
- ExRegCoords(ExRegL * 2 + 3) = RegLine.EndPoint(1)
- End If
- Next ExRegL
- 'Make the perimeter line
- Dim PerLine As AcadLWPolyline
- Set PerLine = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLightWeightPolyline(ExRegCoords)
- PerLine.color = acYellow
- End Sub