- Public Function GetDirectoryDrawings(directoryFullName As String, subDirsBrowse As Boolean) As List(Of FileInfo)
- Dim dir As New DirectoryInfo(directoryFullName)
- If Not dir.Exists Then
- Throw New DirectoryNotFoundException()
- Return Nothing
- End If
- Dim opt As SearchOption = SearchOption.AllDirectories
- If subDirsBrowse = False Then opt = SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly
- Return dir.GetFiles("*dwg", opt).AsEnumerable().OrderBy(Function(x) x.FullName).ToList()
- End Function
- <CommandMethod("wtb", CommandFlags.Session)> _
- Public Sub testDirFiles()
- Dim folder As String = "C:\Test"
- Dim csvfile As String = "C:\Test\atable.csv"
- Dim doc As Document = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
- Dim db As Database = doc.Database
- Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
- Dim fd As List(Of FileInfo) = GetDirectoryDrawings(folder, False) '' True for processing the subdirectories
- Dim collect As New StringBuilder
- If fd.Count = 0 Then Return
- Try
- Using doclock As DocumentLock = doc.LockDocument()
- For n As Integer = 0 To fd.Count - 1
- Dim dwgname As String = fd(n).FullName
- Using newdb As Database = New Database(False, True)
- ed.WriteMessage(vbLf + dwgname + vbLf)
- Try
- newdb.ReadDwgFile(dwgname, FileOpenMode.OpenForReadAndAllShare, False, Nothing)
- Catch ex As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception
- If ex.ErrorStatus = ErrorStatus.DwgNeedsRecovery Then
- Continue For
- End If
- End Try
- Using newtr As Transaction = newdb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
- ' Open dictionary for reading
- Dim layoutDict As DBDictionary = DirectCast(newtr.GetObject(newdb.LayoutDictionaryId, OpenMode.ForRead), DBDictionary)
- ' Loop through dictionary entries
- For Each entry As DictionaryEntry In layoutDict
- Dim ltr As Layout = DirectCast(newtr.GetObject(DirectCast(entry.Value, ObjectId), OpenMode.ForRead), Layout)
- Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = DirectCast(newtr.GetObject(ltr.BlockTableRecordId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTableRecord)
- For Each id As ObjectId In btr
- Dim obj As DBObject = DirectCast(newtr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForRead), DBObject)
- If TypeOf obj Is Table Then
- Dim tbl As Table = TryCast(obj, Table)
- If tbl IsNot Nothing Then
- collect.AppendLine(String.Format("---------------------------------------"))
- collect.AppendLine(String.Format("Drawing name: {0}", dwgname))
- collect.AppendLine(String.Format("Tab: {0}", ltr.LayoutName))
- Dim numrows As Integer = tbl.Rows.Count
- Dim numcols As Integer = tbl.Columns.Count
- For i As Integer = 0 To numrows - 1
- Dim rowline As New List(Of String)
- Dim line As String = String.Empty
- For j = 0 To numcols - 1
- Dim cel As Cell = tbl.Cells(i, j)
- rowline.Add(cel.TextString)
- line = line + cel.TextString + vbTab
- Next
- collect.AppendLine(line.TrimEnd(vbTab))
- Next
- End If
- End If
- Next
- Next
- newtr.Commit()
- End Using
- End Using
- Next
- End Using
- WriteTableToFile(csvfile, collect)
- Catch ex As System.Exception
- ed.WriteMessage(vbLf + ex.ToString + vbLf)
- Finally
- ed.WriteMessage(vbLf + vbTab + "---> File saved as: {0} <---" + vbLf, csvfile)
- End Try
- End Sub
- Public Sub WriteTableToFile(fpath As String, data As StringBuilder)
- 'If Not (File.Exists(fpath)) Then
- ' Using frs As New FileStream(fpath, FileMode.Create)
- ' frs.Flush()
- ' End Using
- 'End If
- Using fs As New FileStream(fpath, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write)
- Using sw As New StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.ASCII)
- sw.WriteLine(data.ToString)
- End Using
- End Using
- End Sub
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