- Option Explicit
- Function IsBlockExist(bName As String) As Boolean
- Dim oBlock As AcadBlock
- IsBlockExist = False
- On Error Resume Next
- For Each oBlock In ThisDrawing.Blocks
- If StrComp(oBlock.Name, bName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
- IsBlockExist = True
- End If
- Next
- End Function
- Sub TestForThomas()
- Dim blkName As String
- blkName = InputBox(vbCrLf & "Enter block name:", "Default Attribute Values Example", "block2circles")
- If Not IsBlockExist(blkName) Then
- MsgBox "Block " & Chr(34) & blkName & Chr(34) & " doesn't exists"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- On Error GoTo Err_Control
- '----------------------------------------------'
- ' selection test:
- Dim ftype(0 To 2) As Integer
- Dim fdata(0 To 2) As Variant
- Dim dxfCode, dxfValue
- ftype(0) = 0: fdata(0) = "INSERT"
- ftype(1) = 66: fdata(1) = 1
- ftype(2) = 2: fdata(2) = "`U*," & blkName '<-- filter to select anonimous block as well
- dxfCode = ftype: dxfValue = fdata
- Dim oSset As AcadSelectionSet
- With ThisDrawing.SelectionSets
- While .Count > 0
- .item(0).Delete
- Wend
- Set oSset = .Add("MySset")
- End With
- oSset.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , dxfCode, dxfValue
- If oSset.Count = 0 Then
- MsgBox "Nothing selected"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Dim aTag As String
- aTag = InputBox(vbCrLf & "Enter Attribute Tag:", "Default Attribute Values Example", "ATTRIBUTE1")
- Dim defaultVal As String
- defaultVal = InputBox(vbCrLf & "Enter the Default Attribute Value:", "Default Attribute Values Example", "- Blah -")
- Dim oEnt As AcadEntity
- Dim oBlkRef As AcadBlockReference
- Dim oBlock As AcadBlock
- Dim bName As String
- For Each oEnt In oSset
- Set oBlkRef = oEnt
- '' get the block reference owner
- Dim ltObj As AcadObject
- Set ltObj = ThisDrawing.ObjectIdToObject(oBlkRef.OwnerID)
- '' check if this block reference is belongs to the current space
- If ltObj.Handle = ThisDrawing.ActiveLayout.Block.Handle Then
- If oBlkRef.IsDynamicBlock Then
- bName = oBlkRef.EffectiveName
- Else
- bName = oBlkRef.Name
- End If
- If StrComp(blkName, bName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
- Set oBlock = ThisDrawing.Blocks.item(blkName)
- Dim oObj As AcadObject
- Dim oAttrib As AcadAttribute
- '' iterate through block definition subobjects
- For Each oObj In oBlock
- '' check if object is type of Attribute object
- If TypeOf oObj Is AcadAttribute Then
- Set oAttrib = oObj
- '' check if attribute tags is ineteresting for us
- If StrComp(oAttrib.TagString, aTag, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
- '' check if attribute value is not equal to the newly defined value
- If oAttrib.TextString <> defaultVal Then
- '' if not equal so change it on default
- oAttrib.TextString = defaultVal
- '' the desired attribute was changed, we can go out from iteration
- Exit For
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Next oObj
- '' then turn back to our block reference
- '' and change known attribute value on default value
- Dim oAttribs As Variant
- oAttribs = oBlkRef.GetAttributes
- Dim i
- For i = LBound(oAttribs) To UBound(oAttribs)
- Dim oAttRef As AcadAttributeReference
- Set oAttRef = oAttribs(i)
- If StrComp(oAttRef.TagString, aTag, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
- oAttRef.TextString = defaultVal
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- End If
- End If
- Next oEnt
- Err_Control:
- If Err.Number <> 0 Then
- MsgBox Err.Description
- End If
- End Sub
~'J'~ |