- Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
- Private Declare Function GetKeyboardState Lib "user32" (kbArray As KeyboardBytes) As Long
- Private Declare Function SetKeyboardState Lib "user32" (kbArray As KeyboardBytes) As Long
- Private Type KeyboardBytes
- kbByte(0 To 255) As Byte
- End Type
- Global Cnt As Long
- Sub RunRoutine()
- Dim objBlock As AcadBlock, objRef As AcadBlockReference, objMir As AcadBlockReference
- Dim objEnt As AcadEntity, entArray(0) As AcadEntity
- Dim FurnPath As String, blkName As String
- Dim SS1 As AcadSelectionSet
- Dim insPnt1 As Variant, BXmin As Variant, BXmax As Variant
- Dim insPntX(0 To 2) As Double
- Dim insPntY(0 To 2) As Double
- Dim BXul(0 To 2) As Double
- Dim rotAng As Double
- Dim retKey As Boolean
- Dim prsKey
- Dim kbArray As KeyboardBytes
- On Error Resume Next
- ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Item("insBlock").Delete
- On Error GoTo 0
- blkName = GetLispSym("B")
- FurnPath = "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2011\Support\COE_RST-FurnApps\COE_RST-FurnBlocks.dwg"
- If TestBlock(blkName) = True Then
- ThisDrawing.SendCommand blkName & vbCr
- ElseIf Dir(FurnPath) = "" Then
- Do Until Dir(FurnPath) <> "" And Right(FurnPath, 4) = ".dwg"
- On vbCancel GoTo 1
- FurnPath = InputBox("Enter Block file path, i.e. C:\My Documents\ACAD Blocks\BlockFile.dwg", "Block File Path?")
- If Dir(FurnPath) = "" Then
- MsgBox "File Doesn't Exist, Try Again."
- Else
- End If
- Loop
- GetFurnBlock blkName, FurnPath
- ThisDrawing.SendCommand blkName & vbCr
- Else
- GetFurnBlock blkName, FurnPath
- ThisDrawing.SendCommand blkName & vbCr
- End If
- Set SS1 = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("insBlock")
- SS1.Select acSelectionSetLast
- SS1.Highlight True
- For Each objEnt In SS1
- If TypeOf objEnt Is AcadBlockReference Then
- Set objRef = objEnt
- Set objEnt = Nothing
- insPnt1 = objRef.InsertionPoint
- insPntX(0) = insPnt1(0) + 1#: insPntX(1) = insPnt1(1): insPntX(2) = 0
- insPntY(0) = insPnt1(0): insPntY(1) = insPnt1(1) + 1#: insPntY(2) = 0
- Do Until retKey = True
- ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt "UP=FlipUp/DOWN=FlipDown/RIGHT=+90/LEFT=-90" & vbCr
- For Cnt = 13 And 32 To 128
- If GetAsyncKeyState(Cnt) <> 0 Then
- prsKey = Cnt
- Exit For
- Else
- End If
- Next Cnt
- Select Case prsKey
- Case 38
- objRef.GetBoundingBox BXmin, BXmax
- BXul(0) = BXmin(0): BXul(1) = BXmax(1): BXul(2) = 0
- Set objMir = objRef.Mirror(BXul, BXmax)
- objRef.Delete
- Set objRef = Nothing
- SS1.Clear
- Set objRef = objMir
- Set objMir = Nothing
- Set entArray(0) = objRef
- SS1.AddItems entArray
- SS1.Update
- Set entArray = Nothing
- Case 40
- Set objMir = objRef.Mirror(insPnt1, insPntX)
- objRef.Delete
- Set objRef = Nothing
- SS1.Clear
- Set objRef = objMir
- Set objMir = Nothing
- Set entArray(0) = objRef
- SS1.AddItems entArray
- SS1.Update
- Set entArray = Nothing
- Case 39
- rotAng = objRef.Rotation
- objRef.Rotate insPnt1, (rotAng + 90)
- Case 37
- rotAng = objRef.Rotation
- objRef.Rotate insPnt1, (rotAng - 90)
- Case 13
- retKey = True
- End Select
- GetKeyboardState kbArray
- For Cnt = 32 To 128
- kbArray.kbByte(Cnt) = 0
- Next Cnt
- SetKeyboardState kbArray
- Loop
- Set objRef = Nothing
- Else
- End If
- Next
- SS1.Clear
- SS1.Delete
- Set SS1 = Nothing
- 1
- End Sub
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