- ;|
- http://www.turvill.com/t2/free_stuff/getpat.lsp
- GETPAT.LSP (c) 2001 Tee Square Graphics
- Version 1.01b - 1/22/2002
- This routine may be used to extract hatch pattern data
- from existing drawings when the .pat file containing
- the original information is not available.
- After loading the file in the usual manner, type the
- command GETPAT at the AutoCAD Command: prompt, select
- any (non-SOLID) hatch object, and the pattern information
- will be written to a .pat file having the same name as
- the pattern (e.g., pattern information for the hatch
- pattern WOODS will be written to WOODS.PAT.
- Ver. 1.01b includes two small fixex to eliminate "Bad
- Argument" LISP errors when run with certain installations
- of AutoCAD 2000+.
- Modified to use a prselected hatch and place in both the current
- location of "GETPAT.lsp" and the current drawing folder by Tom Beauford.
- Add command with macro: ^P(or C:GETPAT (load "GETPAT.lsp"));GETPAT
- to CUI => Shortcut Menus => Hatch Object Menu
- |;
- (defun C:GETPAT (/ cmde hat elst rotn hnam temp xofs yofs what
- temp outf CustPath DwgPath flin angl tmp1 tmp2 xvec yvec)
- (setq cmde (getvar "cmdecho"))
- (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
- (setq elst (entget(ssname(ssget "+.:E:S" '((0 . "hatch")))0)) path elst)
- (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 elst)) "HATCH")
- (progn
- (setq rotn (* 180 (/ (cdr (assoc 52 elst)) pi))
- hnam (cdr (assoc 2 elst))
- hscl (cdr (assoc 41 elst))
- )
- ;; The following nine lines may optionally be omitted.
- ;; Their purpose is to create a temporary "clone" of the
- ;; selected hatch with a 0 deg. rotation angle, in case
- ;; the hatch object specified a rotation angle. If these
- ;; lines are omitted, the current rotation of the selected
- ;; hatch will become the "0" deg. rotation for the extracted
- ;; pattern definition.
- (if (not (zerop rotn))
- (progn
- (setq temp elst)
- (entmake temp)
- (command "_.rotate" (entlast) "" (cdr (assoc 10 temp))(- rotn))
- (setq elst (entget (entlast)))
- (entdel (entlast))
- )
- )
- ;; End of optional code.
- (setq xofs (cdr (assoc 43 elst))
- yofs (cdr (assoc 44 elst))
- elst (member (assoc 53 elst) elst)
- )
- (setq outf (vl-string-subst (strcat hnam ".pat") "getpat.lsp" (findfile "getpat.lsp"))
- CustPath outf
- DwgPath (strcat (getvar "dwgprefix") hnam ".pat")
- )
- (if (findfile outf)
- (progn
- (initget "Overwrite Append")
- (setq what (getkword (strcat "\n" outf " already exists; [Overwrite/Append]? ")))
- )
- )
- (setq outf (open outf (if (= what "Append") "a" "w"))
- flin (strcat "*" hnam)
- )
- (foreach x elst
- (cond
- ((= (car x) 53)
- (write-line flin outf)
- (setq angl (cdr x)
- flin (trim (angtos angl 0 7))
- )
- )
- ((= (car x) 43)
- (setq flin (strcat flin ", " (trim (rtos (/ (- (cdr x) xofs) hscl) 2 7))))
- )
- ((= (car x) 44)
- (setq flin (strcat flin "," (trim (rtos (/ (- (cdr x) yofs) hscl) 2 7))))
- )
- ((= (car x) 45)
- (setq tmp1 (cdr x))
- )
- ((= (car x) 46)
- (setq tmp2 (cdr x)
- xvec (/ (+ (* tmp1 (cos angl))(* tmp2 (sin angl))) hscl)
- yvec (/ (- (* tmp2 (cos angl))(* tmp1 (sin angl))) hscl)
- flin (strcat flin ", " (trim (rtos xvec 2 7)) "," (trim (rtos yvec 2 7)))
- )
- )
- ((= (car x) 49)
- (setq flin (strcat flin ", " (trim (rtos (/ (cdr x) hscl) 2 7))))
- )
- ((= (car x) 98)
- (write-line flin outf)
- )
- (T nil)
- )
- )
- (write-line "" outf)
- (close outf)
- (alert (strcat "Pattern definition written to " CustPath))
- )
- (alert "Selected object not a HATCH.")
- )
- (setvar "cmdecho" cmde)
- (vl-file-copy CustPath DwgPath)
- (princ)
- )