- Command: -ATTEDIT
- Edit attributes one at a time? [Yes/No] <Y>:
- Enter block name specification <*>: aaa
- Enter attribute tag specification <*>:
- Enter attribute value specification <*>:
- Select Attributes:
- 1 found
- Select Attributes:
- 1 attributes selected.
- Enter an option [Value/Position/Height/Angle/Style/Layer/Color/Next] <N>: v
- Enter type of value modification [Change/Replace] <R>:
- Enter new attribute value: asdf
- Enter next line or <done>: wert
- Enter next line or <done>:
- Enter an option [Value/Position/Height/Angle/Style/Layer/Color/Next] <N>:
- ^p return ^t tab
- a smart way
- dwg1
- dwg2
- Replace in word ^p
- open
- now
- open dwg1
- open dwg2
- ^p
- zoom E ^p
- open dwg1 zoom E
- open dwg2 zoom E
- mix and match ^p
- close y ^p Open