After a lot of guess work, it appears the problem was that the script was not finding the coordinates I was providing. I had a few drawings where "0,0" (as "0,0" were the coordinates I was providing to gatte) was obscured by the bottom of the workspace screen. The simple fix was to add a ZOOM and then EXTENTS command before GATTE.
I swear, sometimes AutoCAD presents us with the most trivial and aggravating of issues. Anyways, thanks you guys for your input.
I think you answered your own question earlier: after adding a three second delay more files got processed and only later files started to fail.So try 4-5-6-7-8-9-10 second delays until the set is complete.
I have posted elsewhere the problem of zooming sometimes, in some lisps you do the same manually and it works because you have zoomed in, this has been a problem with Autocad for say 20+ years. Its a hidden bug its like if you can not see it I will not work, simple work around is use Z C 0,0 scale this way you control how much you can see, using Z E can bring other problems that wrong objects will be picked.
You should not need any time delays. I have processed multi drawings and never needed time delay.
I would use a bit of lisp to get entries this stops any problems of autocad using and continuing on rather than asking.