- Command: -units
- Report formats: (Examples)
- 1. Scientific 1.55E+01
- 2. Decimal 15.50
- 3. Engineering 1'-3.50"
- 4. Architectural 1'-3 1/2"
- 5. Fractional 15 1/2
- With the exception of Engineering and Architectural formats,
- these formats can be used with any basic unit of measurement.
- For example, Decimal mode is perfect for metric units as well
- as decimal English units.
- Enter choice, 1 to 5 <4>:
- Enter denominator of smallest fraction to display
- (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256) <32>:
- Systems of angle measure: (Examples)
- 1. Decimal degrees 45.0000
- 2. Degrees/minutes/seconds 45d0'0"
- 3. Grads 50.0000g
- 4. Radians 0.7854r
- 5. Surveyor's units N 45d0'0" E
- Enter choice, 1 to 5 <1>:
- Enter number of fractional places for display of angles (0 to <2>:
- Direction for angle 0.00:
- East 3 o'clock = 0.00
- North 12 o'clock = 90.00
- West 9 o'clock = 180.00
- South 6 o'clock = 270.00
- Enter direction for angle 0.00 <0.00>:
- Measure angles clockwise? [Yes/No] <N>
如果要将物理图形从1=1英寸、1=1英尺、1=1mm、1=1cm、1=1m更改为另一个,则重新缩放图形是您唯一的选择。 |