What would be the best way to have the following occur automatically when you open a drawing?
Grid on, set to .125
Snap on, set to .0625
Ortho and Osnap off
I'm familiar with "old fashioned" line by line scripts, but that's about it........sad I know.
Actually Remark, these are the "personal" working preferences of my supervisor and I'm trying to eliminate some of the stress in her life. It drives her crazy when she works behind someone who uses other preferences.
Thanks for the input. I searched the net a bit yesterday and I think modifying the acaddoc.lsp is probably the way to go. I could write a script for her to run across the project before she started working on the drawings, but she would prefer not to have to do anything other than open the drawing.
There are plenty of examples on CADTutor for modifying the ACADDOC.LSP, just remember to save your original with another name, I usually go with acaddocoriginal.lsp.