I have two existing working macros that i would like to combine together to form one, but am struggling to work out how to combine them. The first insets a block at a defined scale and rotation into the drawing. The second insets an incremental number.
Unfortunately i am using Keyscape LT 2010 which is a Landscape Architecture package that runs on the back of AutoCAD LT and has had the LISP functions disabled.
The only way i am able to do this as far as i am aware is via the CUI interface and creating a menu bar button against which i can assign a macro.
I have done this indivudally for both codes but want to try and combine it together.
I think the OP just got a bit carried away by the lack of response. Rather than "bumping" the original post he repeated it in a slightly different fashion. The first attempt I can understand but the next two really weren't necessary in my opinion. But as the wife says, "It is what it is."
Whilst not being a user of Macros, I have been idly browsing, and one bit of information that I gleaned was that there was a limit of the number of characters on each line. I don't know whether this is still the case, but you needed to put a "+" at the end of each line to join it on to the next line of code.
If you're speaking in regard to the code in the OP, they are each on only a single line. They appear wrapped (on multiple lines) as a result of your browser windows size and/or screen resolution.