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[综合讨论] eTransmit error: C3D file









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发表于 2022-7-7 14:07:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hi all,
I am doing clerical work for our engineers and I was told to use eTransmit to package drawings for our client for record.  However, it seems that the reference files are not pulled correct?
There are three CAD files.  Drawing101 is the one I opened and do the eTransmit.  Drawing 102 & 103 are the other two files that I added manually in the "Create Trasmittal" pop up box.  Each file references the same xref and C3D files.  All the files are transmitted to a new folder named "Package".
During eTransmit, I noticed:
1. Drawing 101 includes the xref under "External References" and the C3D under "Civil 3D Dependencies" which is correct.
2. Drawing 102 & 103 only inclue the xref but not the C3D.  (I expended each drawing under "Files Tree" to check before clicking OK.)
After eTransmit, I checked the files in "Package" noticed:
1. All three CAD files, xref and C3D files are including.  Yay!
1. Each drawing is referencing the xref from "Package" which is correct.  (I checked by using the "open xref" option.)
2. Each drawing is referencing the C3D file from my working folder.  (I checked by using the "open source drawing" option.)
I think it is wrong because I think (maybe I am wrong), when I send the "Package" to our client, they will have error because the drawings are referencing a drawing not included in the "Package" folder.
I am just a basic CAD user so if I did something wrong during the eTransmit process, please let me know.  Thanks.

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