I don't know if anyone is familiar with some of the cabinet design software out there but I have one that is called Cadkit by Design Soft. It actually works as a shell over AutoCad. I have all the same tools, tabs, setups etc. as AutoCad they just added some short cuts such as walls already as blocks (I think that is what you would call them) anyway I'm trying to take my drafting skills to some higher levels without the constraints of predetermined settings. So I'm trying to start from the beginning with bringing a border into my drawing so I can print larger format. One of the tutorials I've read was settings done in "paper space". So when I go to paper space I'm taken to my layout tabs. I don't draw in the layout tabs, I draw in model. I can send someone my screen shot if needed so you can see my setup. I hope I don't become a nuisance here, as its not pure AutoCad; but I'm trying to become that. |