发表于 2022-7-7 15:30:20
Sometimes there are what I call "ghost objects" that are not visible in the drawing space. My method is this: Make sure the Properties Palette is shown, then in Modelspace, do a Zoom Extents, then Ctrl+A to select everything in the drawing space. Now, hold down the Shift key and pick+drag from right to left as maximized as you can in the drawing space. You may see "grips" appear, and/or check Properties to see if there are any "ghost objects" still lingering. If so, hit the Delete Key to eradicate them from the drawing.
Also, don't just delete Paperspace items, delete the Paperspace Layouts altogether. AutoCAD will auto-magically create a new, clean Layout1 tab in which you'll know 100% there's nothing lingering. Also get rid of any/all Styles, and set the "Standard" Styles to Current. Last but certainly not least, use the "-PURGE" command line to purge Regen Apps.
See if that yields any better results. |