发表于 2022-7-7 15:58:51
Thanks! so my initial tests are good for solving one problem (certain objects in the .dwg files that I was sending my CNC operator were not showing up, but now saving them as .dxf seems to be allowing him to view everything regardless of what layer the object is on. My bigger problem is one that I posted in a different forum section yesterday...
Hi all,
Newbie here. I have drawn several shapes including simple ones like rectangles with the corners filleted to 2" radii and ones shaped like a jelly bean using a combination of polylines, straightlines and arcs.
In my ACAD LT 2005 files, the arcs, fillets and polylines all appear very smooth (I set the display setting to 10,000) after I saw that the arcs had noticeable facets (like a diamond) when zoomed in. Essentially, those curves are made up up several line segments connected to look like a curve, but clearly not enough line segments...
My problem is that when I send these DXF files to my CNC router technician and he imports them into his program (EnRoute V.5). All of those arcs, fillets, and polylines still have those facets in them and do not appear smooth. When we actually cut plywood from these files, the pieces are in fact choppy.
My question- besides the display settings, is there a setting that I can change that will increase the number of control points that make up these curves that would smooth these facets out? Getting this fixed is crucial to the business that I am starting up and we just haven't been able to figure this out.
Any ideas on how to smooth these curves? I noticed this morning that when I typed "regenall" (saw this somewhere else) the curves went totally smooth, but after resaving the file and opening the facets are still there.
Thanks! |