发表于 2022-7-7 16:00:15
I do a lot of drawing over tiffs and bitmap files.
One thing I should warn you about is to make sure your bitmap file is not too large. Depending on the capability of your workstation, you might wind up with a drawing that you won't be able to plot. (bitmaps can be HUGE memory hogs when plotting).
Second, do you have the frames for the image file set at 2? That will allow you to select the image object, but the frame will not print.
Really, the bitmap should be in model space and the the viewport in the layout should be scaled appropriately.
If you are having issues of the bitmap covering other items in model space, why don't you simple save it as a new file and get rid of the other layouts. (have two files, one with the other layouts, and one with the bitmap).
Also, try "regen all" as sometimes, you think the lines are behind the image, but they are not. |