发表于 2022-7-7 16:40:15
Is it weird that I've gotten rid of almost the entire drawing and it's still too large of a file? It says it's 1.27 mb. I'm left with almost none of the drawing.
Anyway, the reason I thought it was drawn to scale was because everything was measuring wrong. The paperwork said it was 3/16" scale, and when I measured a doorway, for example, the doorway worked out to be over 15' wide. So, I figured it was off somehow.
The layers are weird, too. Some electrical is drawn on "wall-exterior" layers, etc. But, that's not a big deal, it just doesn't make sense to me why someone would do that.
I'll keep trying to resave so I can attach it. I, myself, would like to know what I'm missing here!? |